5. Old Faces

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    Weeks passed, and tensions within the castle walls grew thicker every day. The biggest topic of everyone's gossip was the war among kings, including Sansa's older brother, Robb Stark, who had been dubbed by his people, "The King in the North."

    The late king, father of Joffrey, Robert Baratheon's younger brothers Stannis and Renly were also involved, but each on their own side. There were many rumors that Stannis was planning to attack King's Landing, which I planned to leave prior to.

    I had made no progress with Sansa, and since my offer she had stopped confiding in me almost completely, effectively shutting me out. I knew she was trying to survive, but if she didn't make it, her naïveté would be the cause.

    Sandor still avoided me sometimes, but less so after I defied the king to defend his honor. We never spoke in depth, mostly sitting in silence, him answering my questions with a single word or two, sometimes just a grunt.

    I didn't mind, though, I just enjoyed his company and learning what I could about him. He wouldn't speak much of his family, groaning anytime I asked about them. But it didn't take much conversation to see the hate he harbored for his older brother, Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane.

     Besides, I had time, there was no need to push it. I might have planned to leave soon, but I also planned on returning when everything was said and done.

    Finally, with threats of a siege looming, I decided it was time. I waited once again until nightfall. When the castle was enveloped in darkness and the only sound was that of the wind whistling outside, I climbed through Sansa's window, just as I had done weeks earlier.

    She was fast asleep in bed, and I lightly shook her awake. She had a look of fear as she awoke, but it didn't take long to fade as she recognized me. "Katira, what are you doing in here?"

    I took the girl's hand in my own and crouched down, looking at her sternly. "Sansa, listen to me. I am leaving before Stannis attacks. Please, leave with me. Leave Cersei and Joffrey and their tormenting behind," I pleaded.

    She looked at me plainly, and uttered the words I feared she would. "I am loyal to King Joffrey, my one true love." 

    I sighed and dropped her hand. "I was worried you might say that." I stood up, knowing my efforts were futile.

    I was sad, and disappointed, but I was not about to kidnap the future queen and put a target on my back. I still had some respect for Aro's beliefs.

     I looked at the young girl one more time. "Good luck, Lady Sansa. I do hope we meet again someday." And I disappeared from her room once again.

    As I scaled the wall, I thought for a moment, and then climbed to a window I had never previously.

    I slowly pulled it open, letting my boots drop lightly on the other side. As soon as I was in the room completely, there was a hand tightly woven in my hair, pulling my head back, and a knife to my throat.

    I could feel the large figure behind me, and I leaned my head back to look at him, smiling. "You really know how to greet a woman."

    When Sandor recognized me, he grunted in annoyance and released my hair, dropping the knife. "What the hell are you doing here, girl?" He rasped.

    "I'm leaving. I tried to bring Sansa with me, but she is far too afraid of Joffrey and Cersei to escape. I wanted to see if you wanted to leave as well."

    "I'll pass," he retorted harshly. 

    "Why?" I questioned, stepping closer to the booming man. "I've seen the way they speak to you, Joffrey and Cersei, why stay and protect them?" 

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