"Ya Allah!"*

Both of her parents looked like they were about to fall from shock and her mother started to cry.

"How could you hide something like this?" Sara asked and I suspiciously looked at Tahira.

"Do they know about the other thing?" I asked remembering the small 'Can't.' she had previously mentioned.

"Another thing? There's more?" Sara asked frantically.

I nodded. "I suppose this is what you meant by 'can't'."

"Tahira!" Her father shouted and she looked at him before speaking up, finally.

"He lied about the divorce!"

Her mother staggered and I quickly got up from my chair to help her while she took support from the counter behind her.

"Sara?" I asked and held my hand out to her while I pulled out another chair for her.

"Sara, beth jao." (Sit down) Omar said and we both helped her sit down on the chair.

Tahira handed her mum a glass of water and she drank it up. "Why are you here, Marcel?"

Omar asked and I rubbed my neck. "I, uh... I can get you a better paying job. That is, if you want it."

All three pairs of eyes snapped up at me and I felt extremely awkward under their stare.

"I lied to you." I said to Tahira and she quickly looked down. "About what?" I was going to get into so much trouble. I groaned before replying.

"I know Harry Styles. We were best friends in school. Still are." I said.

"But I don't even know anything about the music industry. We barely listen to music." Omar said frowning and I shook my head.

"Harry told me a few weeks ago about how their management needs a new marketing chairman. Their pay is higher than most marketing chairmans because of their rapidly rising fame in the world." I said and I wasn't lying. I did overhear the management saying that the old marketing chairman had retired a few days before I was dragged there.

"Marcel, I can't do anything at the moment. I really like that you are trying to help us, but I can't accept this."

"Sir, plea-" My phone decided to start ringing at that precise moment and the ID 'Devil #1' flashed on the screen. "Talk of the devil and he shall appear." I muttered before picking it up and muttered a small 'Excuse me.' to the family in the kitchen.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Harry. Or should I say Marcel?" John asked. John right now was our boss at Modest!

"Did you find a new marketing chairman?" I asked without replying to his question and he paused for a beat before replying.

"Don't tell me you actually want to help us. You're always up to no good, Harry Styles." I walked back into the kitchen and saw they were all talking in hushed tones. They looked up when they heard me come in.

"No, I'm serious. I just found you a very good and reliable man for the job." I said smiling at Omar when he looked at me in shock and shook his head.

"Here, talk to him." I said not giving Omar a chance and handed my phone to him.

"It's Harry's boss at the management. He seems to be in a good mood. You should just get the job at this very moment." I said and he reluctantly took the phone without saying anything to me before leaving the kitchen.

"Marcel, I really appreciate you doing this but we can't just leave here." Sara said.

"You won't have to." I told Sara after taking another piece of the pakode in my mouth. "The chairman just needs to be there for a day in a month and only for one meeting until said otherwise. The lazy guy used to work from home. The old one, I mean." I said and smiled at Sara who was smiling at me through her tears. I felt a sense of accomplishment fill my heart at the look of happiness exchanging between the mother-daughter pair.

It wasn't long before Omar appeared in the kitchen again, still looking bewildered. We all looked at him expectantly.

"They want me in London for an interview."


Assalamu 'alaikum* :- Peace be upon you

Walaikum 'assalam* :- And upon you be peace

Ya Allah!* :- Oh God!

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