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Ms. Thornhill stood in the green house wearing
her red boots and a blue jumpsuit. She was
fiddling around with plant chemicals and used a
syringe to fill it up with light blue liquid.

Suddenly, the door opened and closed making
her jump. She turned and saw Wednesday
standing in front of her.

"Wednesday! I thought you'd be halfway to New
Jersey by now. Where's Y/n?."

"You can drop the act, Laurel." Wednesday told
her. "I should have known it was you. Faking
your death, securing a job at Nevermore,
unlocking a Hyde. Typically I have great
admiration for well-executed revenge plots, but
yours was a bit extreme, even for my high

"Oh dear." She whispered, sticking the syringe in her pocket.

"Weems was right. You do need psychiatric help. You can't just throw out wild accusations without

"They may be wild...but they are true. Tyler told
me everything."

From behind Wednesday, Tyler walked in and
looked at Ms. Thornhill.

"You know initially I incorrectly accused Dr.
Kinbott of using hypnosis to unlock him. But
you used a plant derived chemical didn't you?"

Ms. Thornhill scoffed.

"I know your father kept tabs on all the outcasts
in town. So I assume he told you all about the
Galpin family secret when you were just a girl.
That's why you targeted Tyler. You manipulated
him by showing him what his mother truly was.
What Tyler didn't realize is that the truth
wouldn't free him. It would enslave him to you."

Wednesday stepped closer to Ms. Thornhill who
was backed against a table.

"And that was scary at first, so you used the
cave and the shackles. But eventually he became
your willing servant. And when Kinbott came
close to discovering the truth, you had Tyler kill
her and pin it on Xavier."

Ms. Thornhill shook her head in disbelief before
sighing and dropping the act.

"Oh, that's enough." She removed her glasses
and looked at Tyler. "Tyler, honey, make mama happy and shut her up. Permanently."

"He's not on your side." Wednesday revealed.

"Tyler will do anything for me." Laurel said. She
walked over to Tyler, and held his face.

"Remember what I told you? I showed you who
you really are. What they did to your mother.
The outcasts made you a monster." She

"If you only hate outcasts, why is he killing
normies as well?" Wednesday asked.

"They're just pawns in a bigger game. Just like
you, Wednesday. Once again, you've
underestimated the situation." She mocked.

"You were never getting on that train. I sent
Tyler to intercept you."

"I never made it to the station. Heard enough?"
She asked Tyler.

Except, it wasn't Tyler. It was Principal Weems
who had shape shifted into the roach Tyler.

Laurel's eyes went wide at the reveal, and her
mouth fell open.

"Your slave is probably still at the station."
Wednesday told her.

"Please don't make this more difficult than it
already is, Marilyn." Weems warned her.

Laurel's face contorted into anger and she
pulled out her hidden syringe.

"My name is Laurel!" She yelled, and injected the syringe into Weems' neck.

Weems gasped and fell to the floor. Wednesday
rushed to her side and knelt down. Weems was
twitching and flailing and foaming at the

"Principal! Principal Weems!" Wednesday exclaimed.

Principal Weems gasped and shuddered for a
few more seconds, before her body went still
and her eyes stopped blinking.

"Nightshade poisoning." Wednesday whispered.

"A fitting end, don't you think?"

Wednesday turned to look at Laurel, only to be
met with a shovel to the head, knocking him

Unbeknownst to her, Thing and Y/n were hiding among the plants, and saw the whole thing.


Up in Enid's dorm, she and Ajax were sitting on
her bed, making out. The two smiled at each
other and kissed passionately, until Enid's claws
suddenly came out.

Ajax paused and looked at her hand. "Woah, are
you okay? You're not gonna, like, wolf out on
me are you? It is a full blood moon." He joked.

Enid smiled and retracted her claws. "I'm okay,
I think." She reassured him.

"But this is helping."

Aiax smiled and the two continued kissing... Until they were interrupted by Enid's phone ringing. Enid chuckled awkwardly and got up to answer it. It was Eugene. He was FaceTiming her.

"Hey! Eugene, how are you?" Enid asked.

"Have you seen Wednesday or Y/n?"

"No, they left this afternoon. Didn't they swing by to see you?"

"Listen, Principal Weems and Wednesday went to confront Ms. Thornhill. But I haven't heard a
peep from either of them."

Enid looked confused. "Why would they
confront Ms. Thornhill?"

"Because she's behind everything that's
happened. She's the bad guy..bad woman.
She's just a really bad person."

"Okay, uh, Ajax and I will go check out the

Ajax stood up and walked over to Enid. "Yo, bee
boy, welcome back."

"What's he doing in your room?" Eugene asked.

Before Enid could answer, Y/n came bursting
into the room carrying Thing, who was
frantically twitching and signing.

"Guys, we have a problem!" Y/n exclaimed,
dropping Thing on Enid's bed.

"What? What happened?" Enid asked.

Thing frantically began to sign to her and
explain. He freezes up and tipped over.

"Principal Weems." Enid gasped.

"Enid, Y/n, what the hell is going on?" Ajax

"Ajax, just shut the hell up!" Y/n shouted.

"Thing, where is Wednesday?" Enid

Thing signed again.
Enid's eyes widened. "Tyler and Thornhill took

Thing have her a thumbs up.

"Where did they take her?"

"Crackstone's Crypt." Y/n told her.

"Crackstone's Crypt? What the hell?" Enid

Thing signed something again.

Enid looked at him confused.
"Who are the Nightshades?"

Thing and Y/n pointed at Ajax, who sighed, realizing he forgot to tell her. "I'll..I'll explain in the way."

"Come on." Y/n insisted, scooping Thing up.
The three of them ran out of the room leaving
Enid's phone on her bed with Eugene still on the line.


"Guys? Guys?" He called.

He sighed and hung up the call, and went to get
out of bed, but his mom stopped him.
"Calm down, Eugene."

"That gorgon is a moron." Eugene climbed out
of bed. "It could be dangerous."

"If Enid and Y/n are right, and Wednesday's
been taken, we need to call the sheriff."

"Mom, I've got to go!" Eugene insisted.

"Wednesday and Y/n are my only friends, and
if they're in trouble, I've got to help. It's Hive

Eugene rushed past his mom, and exited his
hospital room.

Wednesday Addams getting soft for someone? // Wednesday x Female Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now