An anger never showed

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Wednesday slammed Xavier's drawing of the
monster on Sheriff Galpin's desk.

"We both know that there's a monster out there.
If we're going to stop it, I think it's time we both
put our differences aside and work together."
Wednesday proposed.

"And this is your stake for me to deal you in?"
Galpin asked, looking at the drawing.

He pulled out the photo of the monster and held
the two next to each other. "I'm sorry, you gotta
do better than that. You got some nice detail

Wednesday took the drawing back. "I didn't
draw it."

"Well I need to know who did."

"Unless we're exchanging intel, I'm not at
liberty to say." Wednesday argued.

Sheriff Galpin rolled his eyes.

"Why would I share information about an ongoing murder investigation with a high school kid?"

"Because I go to Nevermore and you don't.
Don't you want some eyes and ears behind
those ivy-covered walls?" She asked.

"Listen, Fred, why don't you, Daphne, and the rest of the Scooby Gang stick to your homework
and leave the investigating to the professionals." Sheriff Galpin snapped sarcastically.

Just then, the phone rang, and the sheriff hit a


"Mayor Walker's on line two." A voice replied.

The sheriff sighed and Wednesday began to

"He's looking for an update."

The sheriff looked up at Wednesday and
called her back. "Hey, Addams. Let me see that
sketch again."

Wednesday came back and showed it to him.

"The person who drew this, that your suspect?"
He asked.

Wednesday nodded.

"When you bring me some concrete evidence,
maybe we'll talk."

Wednesday took the sketch back and left, just as the sheriff picked up the phone.


Enid was sitting at the Weathervane with two of
her friends, chatting and drinking coffee, while
Y/n had gone to look for Wednesday.

Lucas, the mayor's son, had entered the cafe
and all three girls noticed him coming towards
them, and fell silent.

"Uh, is it okay if I talk to Enid?" Lucas asked the

The two girls glanced at Enid who gestured that
it was okay that they left.

"Don't worry. I can handle him." Enid reassured

Lucas smiled and sat down. "Thanks. I'm-.'

"Lucas Walker. Mayor's son." Enid cut him off.
"Recently split from Jericho High's cheer
captain, Chrissy Smothers. Cute brunette you
really needs to rethink her spray tan."

"That's kinda scary." Lucas said.

"I have a nose for gossip, and I follow half your
grade on TikTok. Oh yeah, and my roommate
kicked your butt....twice."

"Wednesday Addams is your neighbor?"

"Sure is. I know this isn't a random encounter.
So why are you sitting here, Lucas Walker? You
must want something." Enid accused.

"I got a friend that works at Hawte Kewture.
She overheard you're on the hunt for a date to
the Rave'N. Maybe we can help each other out."
He suggested.

Enid thought about it for a moment and smiled.


Wednesday was walking down the street, when
she heard someone call her name.


She turned and saw Y/n coming towards her.

"What the hell was that?!" She interrogated angrily.

Y/n's eyes turning a glowing red again.

Wednesday looked confused. "What was what?"

"Why did you ditch me? You're the reason I'm going to this dance, the least you can do is help
me get through it."

"Why not get Xavier to help you, he's your date
after all." Wednesday retorted scornfully.

"The only reason he's my date, is because you
made me ask him in order to get information
for this stupid investigation!" The girl argued in

"I don't know why you're so upset. You were
complaining in class about nobody asking you
to be your date, and now you have one. I'm
failing to see the problem here."

"Well maybe the problem is that I wanted to ask you to go with me!" Y/n admitted.

Y/n's eyes turned into a red, pink, and orange glowing color.

Wednesday's eyes widened, and her heart rate
sped up a bit. She had wanted to go with her?

"And now, I have to go with someone I only see
as a friend, wearing a hideous dress that Enid
picked out for me cause I was too anxious to
hurt her feelings and tell her I hate it." She

Her eyes now turning into fire colors.

"I did not mean for you to end up asking Xavier
to the dance. But now is your chance to get close to him, and get information on him."
Wednesday told her.

Y/n looked at her incredulously, before she
let out a dry chuckle. "You are unbelievable. You're the one who even brought up something about me asking him something."

"I'm not sure why you're upset."

Y/n huffed. "Well, that's kinda the problem."

Her eyes turning rainbow.

"Y/n, your eyes." Wednesday said putting her hand on Y/n's cheek turning her face.

Y/n grabbed her arm. "Don't you dare. You don't have the right to be worried about me or my eyes."

"It's not my fault I can't interpret your
emotional Morse Code." Wednesday replied.

"Then I'll spell it out for you. I thought we liked
each other. I mean, you kept giving me all these
signals. But then you made me ask Xavier to the
dance, you're acting like you don't care, and
I just have no idea where I stand with you. I
mean, am I in the 'more than friend zone' or am
I just a pawn you're using in some stupid
game? Just a way to get key information?" She asked firmly.

Wednesday glanced down at the ground. "I'm
just dealing with a lot right now. I need to

"Aren't we all?" Y/n said, placing two fingers on Wednesday's face and running them up like a person. Her eyes turning darker and darker. Y/n could feel it inside her. Y/n's wolf ears popped out.

"Y/n! let me help you! You can't control it anymore!" Wednesday yelled in worry.

Y/n growled...literally "No! I mean, just let me know if I ever move up on your to-do list. I guess."

Y/n walked away, leaving Wednesday staring after her, feeling slightly guilty.

Thing crawled out of her bag, and onto her

"" She spat, and Thing
silently crawled back in her bag.


Wednesday Addams getting soft for someone? // Wednesday x Female Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now