Thruthfully a Monster

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"That was a disaster!" Weems exclaimed, pacing
back and forth as Wednesday and Y/n sat in her office.

"The mayor is furious! I've lost count of the
angry phone calls, emails, and people in the
town, alumni, and parents. They want answers
and so do I." She demanded.

"I would lead the inquisition, but I left my
thumbscrews and rack at home."

"Ms. Addams." Weems whispered dangerously.

"You're already on thin ice. Wafer-thin ice. Y/n, you're getting there. Ever since Wednesday came you've been different."

Y/n just looked down as an answer.

"I swear on my late scorpion's soul, my hands
are clean." Wednesday told her.

Which could technically be true, considering she
had Thing pour the gasoline into the fountain.

"I may not have hard evidence, but I see you.
You're a trouble magnet." Weems accused.

"If trouble means standing up to lies, decades of
discrimination, centuries of treating outcasts
like second-class citizens or worse."

"What are you talking about?"

"Jericho. Why does this town even have an
Outreach Day? Don't you know it's real history
with outcasts? The actual story of Joseph Crackstone?" Wednesday asked.

Weems sighed. "I do. To an extent." She

"Then why be complicit in its cover up? Those
who repeat history are doomed to repeat it."

"That's where you and I differ. Where you see
doom, I see opportunity. Maybe this is a chance
to rewrite the wrongs, start a new chapter in the
normie-outcast relations." Weems suggested.

"Nothing has changed since Crackstone. They
still hate us. Only now they sugarcoat it with
platitudes and smiles." Wednesday pointed out.
"If you're unwilling to fight for the truth."

"You don't think I want the truth? Of course I
do. But the world isn't always black and white.
There are shades of gray."

"Maybe for you. But it's either they write our
story or we do. You can't have it both ways."
Wednesday challenged.

"..You're exhausting." Weems told her.

"I know."

Weems let out an exasperated sigh. "Goodnight,
Ms. Addams."

Wednesday turned to leave, when Weems spoke

"But you should know..I don't tire easily.'

Wednesday stared at her for a few moments,
and then turned and walked away.


Back at the old meeting house, the homeless
man was putting batteries in the camera he had
stolen, when he heard crunching and sniffing in
the distance.

He stood up, and yelled, "Who the hell's

A few moments later, the monster burst
through the meeting house and charged at the

He screamed and dropped the camera which
started flashing and taking pictures as the
monster ripped into the old man.


Enid and Y/n were in their dorm, and Y/n
was helping Enid get ready for her date.

Enid held up a bright, multicolored shirt. "Too
much?" She asked.

Y/n glanced up at the shirt and grimaced. Her eyes widened. "Absolutely to much."

"I'm so glad I have my date with Ajax tonight.
You know, if you wanted we could double date.
Maybe see if a certain girl in our dorm would want to go with you." Enid hinted.

Wednesday Addams getting soft for someone? // Wednesday x Female Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now