Thing or Y/n?

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As soon as Wednesday entered the dorm, her face instantly fell at the mess in front of her. All of Wednesday and Y/n's stuff was scattered across the room, and their furniture was pushed around.

Wednesday's eyes widened. "The diary."

Wednesday scanned the room, but she couldn't see or find the diary. Someone had stolen it.

"Thing?" Wednesday called out.

Wednesday heard dripping sounds. She turned to her gramophone and saw blood tripping down on it. Her eyes slowly trailed upwards and she saw it.

Thing was pushed up against the wall with a
knife in the middle of him, hanging him on the

"Thing." Wednesday whispered.

She rushed over to him and yanked the knife out
of him. She held him in her arms. She stared
down at him with wide eyes, and noticed that he
wasn't moving.

She heard a soft meow. She turned and saw Y/n laying on the ground. A scarlet liquid pouring from underneath her.

Wednesday rushed over to feel her pulse....


For once in her life...Wednesday felt fear. She felt angry and upset that she might loose Thing and Y/n.


Next thing Wednesday knew, she was running out of the school with Thing wrapped in a towel in Wednesday's arms. Y/n was also in Wednesday's arms as she was really light. About as light as a feather.

"Uncle Fester? Fester! Help! Help! Help!
Thing and Y/n aren't moving. They were stabbed!" Wednesday cried as she barged into the Hummer's hut.

Fester jerked awake at the commotion, and saw
Thing and Y/n.

"Get Thing on the table and set Y/n on the floor." Fester ordered.

Wednesday knocked everything off the table
and placed Thing on it. She placed Y/n on the floor and knelt down by Thing. Fester rubbed his hands together and tried to shock Thing back to life.

He shocked him once...nothing.

Twice...still nothing.

"Oh, come on Thing." Fester pleaded.

Wednesday turned to look back at Y/n. Y/n was loosing way to much blood. Thing wasn't moving and Y/n had no pulse.

"Hurry up!"

He shocked him again...still nothing.

Wednesday's mouth started twitching and her
chin began to tremble as her eyes filled with

Fester sighed. "He's gone, Wednesday."

"No he's not." Wednesday pulled Thing towards
her. "Thing. If you can hear me...if you die......I
will kill you."

Wednesday pushed Thing back. "Go again."

Fester looked at her skeptically.

Wednesday slammed her hand against the table. "Now! Again, please!"

Fester shocked him again. This time, his fingers twitched. Then they started wiggling.

Wednesday let out a deep sigh of relief.

Thing rolled over onto his front.

"For a minute there we thought you'd picked
your last lock, buddy." Fester chuckled.

Thing weakly pointed towards Y/n.


(Y/n's pov)

Wednesday Addams getting soft for someone? // Wednesday x Female Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now