Fight with a friend

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After a few minutes, Y/n came over and
placed her quad on the table. "Here you go."

"Thank you."

Y/n was about to walk to her own table, when
she paused and looked down at her. "Uh, if you
don't mind me asking, why do you want to leave
so badly?"

"I told you. To stop my parent's obvious plan to
turn me into themselves." She explained.

Y/n slowly nodded her head. "Right..." The
girl replied standing there awkwardly, not really
knowing what to say after that.

Wednesday's eyes looked her up and down.
"Sit." She suddenly said.

Y/n looked at her confused.

Wednesday gestured to the seat next to her.
"Sit." She repeated.

"I um..I'd love to but there's these guys. They like to sit here, so um.."

"They're not here now, are they?" Wednesday pointed out.

Y/n still looked around hesitantly. Wednesday
just rolled her eyes, and grabbed her wrist,
pulling her into the seat next to her.

Wednesday continued drinking her coffee, and
Y/n silently sat next to her. She kept thinking
she wanted to be alone, but every time she asked
if she wanted her to leave, she said no.

As they were sitting in silence, three boys
dressed as pilgrims walked by the window and
saw them in there, and started whispering.
"Hey, check it out."

"Who are they?"


The three entered the cafe and (Y/n) noticed
them. "Oh no." She muttered.

Wednesday heard her and glanced at the three
boys that approached the booth.

"What're two Nevermore freaks doing out in the
wild?" One of them asked.

"This is our booth." Another told them.

Wednesday stared up at them. "Why are you
three dressed as religious fanatics?" She asked.

"We're pilgrims." One of the boys told her. Another turned to Y/n. "I thought you learned your lesson."

"Potato, po-tah-to. And what do you mean learn your lesson?"

They all ignored the question. "We work at Pilgrim World." The leader said, placing a flyer down on the table.

Wednesday glanced at the flyer. "It takes a
special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme
park to zealots responsible for mass genocide."

"My dad owns Pilgrim World. Who you calling
stupid?" The leader snapped.

"If the buckled shoe fits." Wednesday retorted.

Tyler saw what was happening and came over to
help. "Guys, back off."

"Stay out of this Galpin." One boy snarled.

Wednesday and Y/n stood up from the booth
"Yes, stay out of this." Wednesday agreed.

The leader glanced at Y/n. "So tell me...freak.
You think you can handle us now?" He spat.

Y/n shrugged. "Absolutely." She replied casually.

Wednesday blankly stared at the boy. "Boo!"

The leader jumped and that was all it took for a
fight to break out. One boy grabbed Y/n's
shoulder and she flinched away from him and
instinctively swung her elbow back and hit the
boy in the face.

"Ah! You bitch!" He screamed, quickly
recovering and the boy tried to back hand her across the face.

Y/n dodged it and punched him instead.

Wednesday Addams getting soft for someone? // Wednesday x Female Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now