"Dr. Montgomery," she began, looking up at me.

I was confused for a moment, not understanding why she was calling me Dr. Montgomery when she had only known me as Addison. I could sense she was nervous, so I think she was trying to be polite.

"You can call me Addison, honey," I told her, smiling.

"Oh ok," she smiled back, looking down at her lap. "So, I was wondering if maybe Clara and I could stay in contact? I trust you of course! It's just, she's my little sister, and I'm really going to miss her, so maybe-uh"

"Cora," I said, holding her hand in mine. "Of course. You never have to worry about that. Let me go grab some paper so I can write you my contact information in case you guys want to call each other," I said, standing up.

As I was getting the pen and paper out of my drawer, I could see her hand come up to her face to wipe her eyes. While it broke my heart, it comforted me to know that Clara has had someone in her corner these past few years.

"Thank you so much," Cora said, as I handed her the paper.

"Absolutely," I paused. "Cora, would you mind maybe telling me some more about Clara. You know her better than anyone. I guess I'm just wondering if there's anything you think I should know about her?"

She looked at me and smiled.

"Oh well, it takes a while to fully get to know Clara. I'm still working on it. But, if she's really sad, the best thing you can do is take her outside. Just sit with her. Be with her. She doubts herself a lot."

I gave a sad smile and nodded my head. I had already seen that part of her come out many times.

"I'm sure you're already catching on to that part," she smiled. "And the last thing I'll tell you- the only person she ever asks to be around when she's scared or sad is me. She won't even tell Joanna."

I gave her a confused look, not really understanding the last part.

"Joanna saw her call you the other night," she clarified. "Clara doesn't know that she didn't successfully sneak her phone," she laughed. "She didn't want to make her embarrassed. But I can tell she feels safe around you. I'm happy you get to be her mom."

I didn't say anything. I just pulled Cora into a tight hug. I pulled away after a moment to look at her.

"You'll see Clara all the time. I promise," I assured, wanting it to stick. I really didn't want her to worry more than I knew she already would.

"Alright," Joanna said, walking down the stairs with Clara. "You ready to go Cora?"

"Yea," Cora said standing up, smiling back at me.

As I watched the two girls say goodbye officially, I couldn't really believe this moment was actually happening. I know I say that a lot, but it was true. I've always wanted to be a mom, but a part of me began to really believe that I never would be. This was just one step closer. One big step.

"See you soon," I said to Joanna and Cora as the four of us walked to the door.

"Of course," Joanna replied. "Be good, Clara," she smiled. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too Joanna," Clara said, waving as we watched them walk to the car.

After I shut the door, I took hold of Clara's hand as we walked through the house.

"Thank you for the new decorations in my room," she smiled shyly. That was becoming my new favorite thing. "I love the squishmellow," she giggled.

"Amy picked that out for you," I laughed. "I'll make sure I tell her you like it."


After we got settled in with dinner, we both went upstairs to change into our pajamas.

"Hey Clara," I called. A few moments later I saw her standing outside my doorway. "You can come in," I smiled. "Look here," I said, walking over to my back window overlooking the beach. "I put your painting right by the beach."

I could see a blush rise on her cheeks as she smiled.

"So, you like it?" She asked shyly.

"Yes," I laughed. "So when I was out shopping yesterday, I picked out some special things for you. Do you want to go to your room and I can show them to you?" I asked.

She nodded, and led me to her room. I crouched down by the small desk that I had placed next to her dresser, and opened up the drawer to show her the art supplies.

She looked shocked.

Maybe this was all too much too fast. I might be overwhelming her.

"This way if you want some alone time or you want something to remind you of Cora, you can come up and do something you like."

She didn't respond, but came over and wrapped me into a hug. I heard her whisper a small "thank you."

"Of course sweet pea. So- what do you think- bedtime or movie?" I asked, thinking it might be best to draw her attention away from the gifts.

Immediately, her face lit up.

"Mulan," she said, heading towards the stairs.

She arrived at the top of the staircase and promptly sat down. She slid down a couple of stairs of her butt, and then turned to look back at me.

"Are you gonna slide?" she asked seriously.

"Is that the best way to go down?" I asked, trying to hide my laughter.

"Yea," she said simply.

"Alright then," I said, sitting down to slide down the stairs.

And I slid down those stairs and I loved every second cause I was doing it with Clara. I hopped up and got us a blanket from the basket and grabbed the remote. We both sat down, and I began flipping through Disney+ to find Mulan.

"Addison?" she asked quietly.


"What happens if I have another bad dream?" she asked, looking down at her lap.

"Then you come and get me okay? You don't have to worry," I assured her, and she nodded.

As soon as the intro started to roll, she scooted up under the blanket with me and layed down with her head in my lap. I was almost astonished. As reserved as she was, she did open up from time to time in her own ways.

After a few minutes, I felt her body relax. I looked down, and sure enough her eyes were closed and she was off to sleep. It was definitely a big day.

I switched off the TV and gently scooped her up, trying my best not to disturb her. I slowly carried her up the stairs, and softly tucked her into her bed. She looked so peaceful.

I smiled softly and leaned down, gently placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight. I love you, sweet girl."

A/N: She's home! This chapter is just pure sweetness because we all need a little of that in our lives. I hope you all are well. 🥰

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