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(this will come to no surprise that i wanted mono in my story. ask no questions, and i will tell you no lies. also, ignore spoon girl in pic)

It seemed like forever getting to the end of the meat hooks, but they eventually ended up on a large pipe. At the end of it was a conveniently placed ladder- the smell of the sea breeze was accompanied by a cacophony of seagulls. Then as Alice and RK stepped into the light the sea surrounded them, lapping gently against the sides. Beautiful, but deadly. Falling into the water would mean certain death. Alice knew that far too well. The only path forward was to climb up the anchor, through the porthole, and get further inside via a vent. Along the way, they observed a horde of passengers...no....Guests. For once through the vent, Alice and RK found themselves inside a restaurant with guests streaming in through from all directions. Then, on a balcony, overseeing it all was what appeared to be the boss- The Lady.

This is where the guests arrive, where they waddle up the creaking boards and into the gaping Maw. This is where they come to sit and sweat, where they gorge and purge. Again, and again, and again. This is not a place for distinguished guests. This is where the well-fed beasts come to feast..

This was the lobby.

Wandering from room to room, the Guests appeared to be ignorant of the pair- almost like they were rats, or Nomes maybe? But when they walked into the next room, a Guest threw a table at them. The fun things in life. Then the Guest proceeded to reach out, flabby fingers trembling with the exertion, and tried to grab them. Missed of course, but the fright was enough to send them running. Again.

Suddenly, Alice and RK were running through a corridor of Guests, who alternated between trying to grab the children and stuffing their faces with anything that was within arms reach. Which leads back to them trying to capture the children.

A refuge was found in a little off-shoot room, in which there were no Guests. Small voices were heard echoing, one of which sounded familiar. Alice had heard it before she fell, was it really her?

"I think we should go in that direction, there is a voice over there, something about it sounds familiar." Alice told RK. He shrugged by way of a response, and so they followed the direction of the voice. When they rounded the corner, she saw someone that once, she had thought that was lost forever.


With someone else.

But who?

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