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(yes, I'm alive )

At this moment, we have two perspectives to look from. One is a confused young girl and the other is an old human-thing whose memories have just been unlocked with a key in the form of a doppelganger. A doppelganger to their daughter from before.

Before all this...Mess-chaos some might call it. As a result things felt like a horror game, in one as such the Hunter might be portrayed as a villain. But would a villain be considered as able to cry? If not, then the Hunter was not a villain.

Wracking sobs emerged from the human-thing and they crumpled to the ground. Alice looked around with wide eyes. What was she meant to do? But her compassion and empathy came through. Bending down, she comforted the old Hunter while they re-enacted horrible memories in their head. Then when the Hunter had pulled theirself back together,

"Is there anything I can do for you?" the Hunter asked.

Alice felt confused, here was this random human-thing which just had some kind of mental breakdown when he saw her, and then suddenly asks if there is anything they can do???

She's not responding...     

Did I do something wrong?



......What is going on?                               

Is there anything this person can do?

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