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("the person" is the teacher in case you haven't guessed, google a picture of her to see her in all her glory XD )

The hallway ahead curved and twisted until Alice didn't even know which direction she was facing, or even if there was such a thing as directions.

When she saw another shadow approaching, Alice hid to try and see who it belonged to- however when the person came into view she all but gave away her hiding place with a loud gasp.

The neck...Was.....twisted and long....a-and...

Thankfully, the person dismissed the noise as the wind and continued walking.  Alice did likewise.

She heard a chatter of people coming from the room ahead of her, and crept forward to investigate. What she found was a trio of....interesting looking children. Their heads looked almost porcelain. Alice crept forward for a closer inspection but accidently knocked something to the floor.   "Clink!" In that small second of time, all eyes were on Alice and there was nothing to do but step forward. After all, they had already spotted her...  

"Uhm, hello?"

The eyes stayed staring at her, unbelievably still not blinking and Alice the urge to come closer. As the children's faces came more into view, she let out a gasp.

Their faces were made of porcelain!

How could she tell? Well, one of the three had a small crack in their head. Blink and you miss it, but Alice had noticed.  In fact, it looked almost like the child was wearing a porcelain mask instead of a head like the others. Finding herself intrigued, Alice almost stepped on.... A trap? She dodged it just in time, but when she looked up again, two of the three were gone-  leaving the one with a cracked head behind.
They locked eyes and each was surprised by the intensity of the others stare, however nothing lasts forever and eventually the staring contest was mutually abandoned.

"Hello Alice", a whisper cuts through the air, "It's nice to meet you..."
(ended up finishing this at like 5am so no judge, ok? 😊)

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