3|New beginnings

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(and yes, sploomf is a word now.)

Sploomf! Alice had (at some point) gotten swept up in the wind during her free-fall, with her yellow raincoat acting as some sort of sail and now she landed on a grassy slope, slowly sitting up. Now I know what being in a washing machine feels like, she thought ruefully. After getting to her feet, Alice couldn't immediately see anything she recognised but in the horizon, if you squinted then you could see...The Maw.

The place that all of her nightmares revolved around, the place of doom and fear (plus bad food) and the place where all her problems began. Although her main problem at the moment was that she wanted to see Six again.

Alice could remember vividly the exact moment she fell and the precise expression on Six's face. It had been so many emotions at once; fear, sadness, shock. But the thing that had truly terrified Alice- an unhinged fury. She wanted to hope that it had been a trick of the light but knew better than to assume what she'd seen. After all, hadn't she seen the person she had thought was her mother turn into a monster in front of her eyes? Anything was possible, she only had to hope.

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