17|Meat Hook

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(uh, here you go)

RK was jolted out of his reverie by the feeling of something swoosh by his head, missing only by about a whisker away. There- standing in a chef's natural domain, a kitchen was a large, hideous human. This person was wearing an old apron that was stained with the kind of thing that should stay inside bodies. Speaking of bodies, Alice, and RK ran pretty damn fast when the chef tried to grab them again.

They took a couple of twists and turns, eventually running into what appeared to be the living quarters of the chef. It had a peculiar quirk to the furniture- everything had two sets of it, and they were pushed close together. Even the toilets! All was explained when Alice pushed open the door to a bedroom and they found another person sleeping in one of a set of beds. The door scuffed against creaky floorboards and RK looked to the sleeping chef with wide eyes. Thankfully the noise was not enough to wake up Mr Snoozy, he only rolled over. Alice had been watching with bated breath, so she was the one who noticed the key. Hanging directly over the chef's beds, a rusty metal key swayed to the time of the beat of the chef's snores. She pointed out this to RK, having to use gestures in order not to wake the chef.

This would be a really handy time to know sign language....

Alice and RK creep slowly across the room, trying to stick to the carpeted areas. It seems that the pair frequently fight, as there are weapon-like objects and pieces of glass scattered across the floor. The latter was confusing, there were no windows in this stuffy, little room. By this point, they had reached the edge of the bed, and looking back- this probably wasn't their best idea. Unfortunately, you can't change the past from the future.

RK climbed up first onto the bed, creak! A small gasp escaped Alice's mouth, but Mr Snoozy slept on, the sound of his deafening snores resuming its regular pattern. When RK bent down to help Alice up, she couldn't reach up to take the outstretched hand, because she was frozen stiff. He tucked this away in his brain for later, and resumed making his way over to the key hanging on the wall.

This was more difficult than he had thought it would be, as even in his dreams, the chef dreamt about grabbing children to cook. RK dodged and ducked under flailing arms, while Alice watched in horror.

Thankfully, he managed to reach the key without any further mishaps. Getting back to where ALice was standing, however, was more of a struggle. RK clumsily dropped the key onto the sleeping chef's head, with a dull thunk. RK's life flashed before his eyes as the chef arose from his creaky bed. A low guttural noise emerged from Mr Snoozy which seemed to be a way to call the other, who stopped his regular chopping. Alice broke free of her prison of fear and lunged for the falling key, before grabbing RK's trembling hand and breaking into a sprint for a nearby door, which turned out to lead to a storage unit. RK found a lonesome chair and wedged it under the door handle to buy them sometime, they couldn't stay much longer otherwise they would be turned into meat. The door started to buckle from the chefs trying to break in, and RK pointed out something they could use to escape. They started to parkour through the obstacles and as the door broke, they reached the meat hooks,  grabbing onto one each. RK and Alice were carried away into the distance as the two chefs threw butter beer bottles at them.

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