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(this chapter was inspired by SassToTheMax's book, Sweet Dreams. Check it out!)

Walking in silence, Alice noticed an alley that she hadn't seen before, and curious she dashed off to explore it, rolling his eyes RK followed her tiredly.

                                                                          This girl will be the death of me...     

There was nothing at the end of the alley but a piece of rusting metal RK just watched Alice, practically seeing the cogs in her brain whirring at top speed. Then it clicked. The piece of rusting metal was actually a drain cover, the cover was old- perhaps dating from before the signal tower was built- and had four unfamiliar symbols surpunding it's circular edge. RK looking over Alice's shoulder, pressed a symbol. Nothing. Then Alice pressed one. Nothing again. Then they both pressed one at the same time, blushing a little bit as their hands touched. This one illuminated. 

 Guess we've got to guess the order....Cool!                                           

They looked at the symbols, and RK pointed out one that had a similarity to the one that lit up. He pressed this one, and then the next one until the rusty cover screeched before opening up wide enough for Alice and RK to slip through. Alice grabbed RK's wrist, and yanked him through with her. Just as RK went through, the drain cover clicked shut. Looking around him, RK caught Alice's eye and she saw the uncertainty on RK's face. She softly spoke up "We're most likely in a sewage system, possibly leading to another city. Should we continue walking?"  RK nodded uncertainly, walking a bit faster in order to catch up with Alice. He saw her cringe as the dirty water splashed under her feet. He had to admit that it smelt like rotten fish, and the water was extremely cold-which made the air cold too. Glad for his hoodie, Alice wasn't nearly quite as lucky. Goosebumps dotted her legs, she shivered slightly with every step, and her breath became more visible with every step they took. Shaking his head ruefully, RK slipped his hoodie off, and gently tapping Alice's shoulder, offered it to her.  At first she refused, saying that "I don't want to be a burden, you need warmth too!" But RK insisted, having an excellent counterargument, so eventually Alice ended up looking like some sort of blue, and yellow bear. They were laughing together when an ominous squishing sound came from up ahead, squinting in the low light- RK couldn't quite make out what was causing this noise when a ray of light blinded his eyes, and lifting his arms up, RK looked for the source. Above him was a drain cover leading out of the sewer! While he rejoiced, Alice was looking straight ahead, so she saw something that he didn't...

 In the dark, moist corners of The Maw, the leeches writhe as one, awaiting the swollen wanderers. Slimy, venomous parasites that feed on the living – the leeches truly belong here, don't they?

Joy overpowered RK as Alice hurriedly boosted him up to the drain cover which he shoved off and climbed through, turning around to lift Alice through too. In the background, he faintly registered a smell that made him salivate...sausages..... (me as vegetarian being disgusted.)

However, in order for there to be sausages, there has to be something to cook it, and this something was standing behind the oblivious pair: With a love of violence and a feeling for meat, the twins were born to be chefs. As they shuffle across the cold floor, chopping, mincing, preparing the feast, the Twin Chefs sense something that makes their skin itch. A dirty, unwelcome presence. Vermin will not be tolerated in the kitchen. They use anything from hammers to cleavers and will not hesitate to turn them on intruders..

Intruders such as Alice, and RK. Intruders such as Mono, and Six

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