10|Lantern light

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(why did this turn gruesome?)

When Alice reached the city, a tin lantern illuminated the path ahead of her. Bending over, she picked it up and scanned the buildings surrounding her only to find them devoid of life- just like when she glimpsed them from the hill. Peering through a lowdown window, Alice was shocked to see a group of bizarre looking creatures clustering around a staticky television, which sounded like it was going to go out any second. However, she was shocked by what happened when it (inevitably) did. The viewers- as she nicknamed them- turned on each other and vented out all their frustration. Only six of the twenty were left by the time that the television miraculously flickered back on again.

Struck by what she had witnessed, Alice was turning away when a viewer suddenly looked up, they locked eyes for a heartbeat and made a clumsy grab at her. She ran, her heart pounding so hard it seemed as though it would jump out of her chest. (With blood spewing everywhere ofc). Skidding around a corner, Alice came to a stop and dimly realised that she was still holding the lantern. She clumsily dropped it and the path between her and the monsters was set ablaze! As the viewer contorted in agony, Alice's shadow loomed over them, blocking out the already weak rising sun. The sky was streaked with blood as the creatures screeched in defeat. The sound grated on her ears but still, Alice stood. No one could see her face, no one knew what she felt that morning.

Turning to exit the alleyway, Alice saw a familiar looking building. Familiar in the sense that she knew what it was- not actually familiar. It was a school, and Alice knew that where a school was, children would follow. (Not literally.)
You would think that she had learned her lesson but no.
Maybe I can make some friends!
So Alice walked right up to the suspiciously open door and went in. The hallway was lit by a small swinging light. She turned around to see a shadow running to the corridor on her left, she slowly tip-toed towards it but when Alice turned the corner, there was nothing there. A strong wind blew from somewhere, slamming the door shut. When Alice tried the handle, it was locked.

Guess there's only one way to go then...

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