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(if you like listening to music while you read- I would 10/10 recommend teddy bears picnic for this chapter. Creepy version ofc!)

Walking in a forest where all the trees look the same can be disorientating at the best of times, and Alice soon found herself hopelessly, miserably: lost.

It was this way, right?

I'm sure I've seen this rock before!

That way?

Hours and hours had passed, and she hadn't seen a soul. The monotony of trudging through this seemingly never-ending labyrinth was tiring, and her eyelids felt heavy. The heady scent of the pine sap and earthy moss added to her lethargic state. She felt as if she could close her eyes and sleep for a thousand years.

Just when she was beginning to give up all hope of ever finding a path to lead her, Alice found herself in a clearing. Slap-bang in the middle of it was a surprisingly big log cabin. Great management of space, actually. Who knew creepy people could be good architects! I mean...um...so Alice walked straight up to the front door and knocked. Bad decision! The door creaked open and Alice saw a hideous -to her, sorry if I offend any fans of the Hunter- face, (again, if you could call it that.) Next second, she was in the cabin and being glared at by a weird human-thing with a gun. Well...she wouldn't exactly say glare. It was more of a wistful/angry look. As if merely by being in the cabin, Alice had churned an ocean.

Why are they looking at me like that?

This girl looks so much like..


Now it's starting to get AWKWARD.

"Uhm, hello? You ok?

Then with an almost inaudible whirr, the Hunter began to speak... "No, it can't be - Olivia?"

"My name is Alice, have you confused me with someone else?"

(ps Olivia is the name of my oc in Little nightmares. She's the Hunter's former daughter-before they went all cray zay- and she's cool if I must say so myself. I just wanted Alice to encounter all-okay, most- of the villains in different ways to Mono and Six. -Burri)

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