Knowing Him Better

Start from the beginning

Pyrrha: is metal all you listen to?

(y/n): not all the time. I also like to listen to rap and pop sometimes. It depends on how I'm feeling.

Pyrrha: why do you even like metal to begin with. I can't stand it.

(y/n): isn't your semblance magnetism? I thought metal would be your favorite genre?

Pyrrha began to chuckle a little.

Pyrrha: seriously though, why do you like metal music?

(y/n): the same reason my mom listened to it. It helps drown out the world.

Pyrrha: why drown it out?

(y/n): it's nice to just be you and the music.

Pyrrha: really? I should try it sometime.

The two continued to walk and talk when someone called (y/n).

???: Are you Sparda?

(y/n) : yes?

Velvet: my name's Velvet and I just wanted to say thanks for saving me.

She nervously walked up to (y/n) and hugged him. She quickly let go and walked away blushing.

Pyrrha: ladies man huh (y/n)?

(y/n): maybe having Sparda's blood makes me irresistible?

Pyrrha: thinking of starting a harem?

(y/n): that's twice I've been asked that. No!

Pyrrha: nothing is wrong with having one.

(y/n): almost everyone starts a harem. I can understand why but it's not for me.

Pyrrha: if you did have to pick one girl you met who would it be?

(y/n): if I had to choose. It would be have to be you.

Pyrrha was taken a back.

Pyrrha: me?!

(y/n): not by much you know. Ruby and Yang are like my sisters so dating them is out of the question. Weiss I only knew her for a few years and that was when I was a toddler. And Blake and I almost killed each other when we first arrived. But you, you were nice to me when we first met and though you may be weird you're still nice.

Pyrrha: you see me as nice. Thank you.

(y/n): c'mon lets start heading back to the dorm.


The two finally make it to their dorm.

Jaune: welcome back guys, where did you go?

(y/n): ozpin sent me on a mission with my aunts and Pyrrha joined me.

Jaune: what was this mission?

(y/n): I killed a Grimm named Berial.

Nora: all by yourself?!

(y/n): yep.

(y/n) yawns and walks to his bed.

(y/n): well I'm beat. I'm gonna start heading to bed. Hey Pyrrha can I have my headphones back?

Pyrrha: oh here.

(y/n) put them on and pulled out his scroll. He went on he playlist and clicked shuffle then went to sleep.

Nora: what do you think he's listening to?

Pyrrha: probably some metal song.

Jaune: he's into metal?

Pyrrha: yeah he showed me his playlist earlier and I saw it's mostly heavy metal. But Also some rap, pop, rock, pretty much anything that he likes.

Ren: that's not unsurprising. Many people have different taste in music.

Nora: you should see what he's listening to right now.

Pyrrha walks over to his bed and sees his scroll sitting his bed. She picks it up and sees that he is listening to "return to me".

Pyrrha: do you guys know a song called return to me?

Jaune: I think it was in a video game.

Pyrrha: (y/n) plays videogames? I should play some with him. What games is he into?

Ren: how should we know? We never seen him play any.

Jaune: you should ask Ruby.

Pyrrha left the room and went to the room of team RWBY. She knocked on the door and was greeted by Ruby.

Ruby: hey Pyrrha,what's up?

Pyrrha: just who I wanted to see. Ruby what videogames does (y/n) play.

Ruby: just come in I'll show you.

She walks into the room and Ruby sat her down near a game system and turned it on. She shows Pyrrha almost every game her and (y/n) played in the past 12 years.

Pyrrha: you two played a lot of games.

Ruby: he mostly plays RPGs and action games.

Pyrrha: can I try one?

Ruby: have you ever played a video game before?

Pyrrha: no. I spent most of my childhood training.

Ruby: I'll show you.

Pyrrha: why do you want to help me?

Ruby went close to Pyrrha and whispered.

Ruby: look (y/n) and I made a deal that he would be my Wingman with Jaune and Blake. And I want to help him by helping you by being your wingman.

Pyrrha: okay? So can you show me how to play a game now?

Ruby oh yeah. Pick what you want to play and I'll show you how to play it.

Pyrrha looks through the list of games.

Pyrrha: what game has the song return to me?

Ruby: oh I'll show you.

She scroll to the M section and picks the game Mafia 2.

Ruby: how much do you like mob movies?

Pyrrha: why do you ask?

Ruby: this game is like that.

Pyrrha: if (y/n) likes it then I'll try it.

Ruby: good on you for wanting to try it at least.

She hands Pyrrha the controller.

Ruby: don't worry I'll show you how to play it.

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