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I would like to thank every one of you for reading this beautiful work. But in every success, there are many things behind it.

First and foremost, I would like to thank God for the gift and art of storytelling. I know I'm not that good of a writer but I believe he pushes me to my heart's desire even when I'm nervous to go for it. He's a good Father and my best friend. I thank him for giving me the energy, time and motivation to keep this work in words for everyone to read, learn and enjoy. And trust me when I say this, it's not been easy. I would wake up one day and hate everything I've written. I would spend weeks having writing slumps I didn't know how to get out of. I would have a horrible schedule due to med school and fail to write a single word. I would feel like a failure just because I couldn't do what I wanted to do. But they are all challenges we get through and my God had managed to make everything go how I wanted it to. He's the best.

I thank my best friend, co-worker and twin sister (all in one), for always supporting me. I tell her about all of my projects before I put them into words and she's always loved and fangirled on them. She's the best in the world. Also, the best writer (Diara_F) if you haven't read her work already...what are you doing? I mean, what are you doing?...and also if you don't follow our co-joined account (Enara_F) again...what are you doing? I used to write for her because she would be the only reader wanting me to post. Every work I had was dedicated to her because she was the only one who used to enjoy them and scream in excitement every time she read them. I love her a lot.

A very special thanks to my writer's best friend isabelloyal. She has been the best person I've ever come across. When I was slumped, she would always give me the best writer's advice (praying was the best one) and encourage me. She motivates me and makes me overcome every doubt I have on myself. She's also the best reader. I don't know what I would've done without her. She's the reason why I keep writing. She inspires me. And her work is out of this world. Again, if you haven't read any of her works...WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

And I'd love to give a shout-out to all of you out there, reading this. You guys should know you're the best. Do you know that? I live for your eyes and minds. I love you beyond the words you see. If I could hug each one of you, I would. I think about you and pray for you every day.

Also, I huge thanks to this wonderful platform (Wattpad). I pray it keeps supporting all those writers out there, and all those people whose minds are brimming with ideas ready to be transformed into words. God bless them all and keep them safe and successful.

And I would end to say...Stay blessed, all of you.

I love you all.

Until next on.

Zar Glorixious.


The packs series;
1. Packs of War (done)
2. Packs of Power (upcoming)

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