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It's been a year since Keegan came out of the hospital. A year since we snuck out of her welcome-back party and into the streets for the whole day.

It's been five months since Keegan and I permanently moved back to town. Three months since I proposed to her back at the orchid where there were many apples for her to chuck at me for the public display...but she sobbed throughout my whole speech. Two months since we decided to renovate my childhood home and sell it.

Now it's been a few hours since we closed the deal with the house with a lovely couple.

As we walked to the cemetery, where my mother's grave was yet to be adorned with flowers, Keegan stayed by my side and intertwined her hand with mine.

We arrived in front of her grave and sat. I placed the red roses all over it. I brought extra for good fortune.

Keegan leaned on me as we sat quietly in front of the tombstone. She didn't speak or force me to speak. We both shared nightmares, dreams and demons and sometimes none of us wanted to talk about them. None of us pushed the other also.


Keegan kissed my shoulder in encouragement when I started.

"I know you've always wanted to see her. You enjoyed teasing me about her ever since who found out about her, and you hoped you'd get to meet her..."

I hadn't had time to bring Keegan to the cemetery...to her...because of how busy we've been with everything. Of course, I managed to bring flowers but sometimes, I still found new flowers at her grave.

"...I would've been broken if you hadn't taught me how to love...how to care...and how to be patient. I would've let the world swallow me if you hadn't had such a lovely heart in such a cruel world. You deserved more...you deserved the whole universe because you were the most brave person I've ever known. And I..." My voice trembled and a huge lump formed in my throat. "I miss you...so much."

Keegan kissed my shoulder again. "And although I'll never see your smile...or your eyes again, I will always remember what you've done to me. I'll always remember your face.

"Keegan and I are going to get married soon. And I wished you would've been there, but I know you're watching, wherever you are." I sniffed, not letting the tears pour out of my eyes, "God, you would have loved her."

I didn't know if I said it to Keegan or my mom. Because they would've both loved each other.

The lump wouldn't allow me to voice any other word.

"I know I would've loved you," Keegan said...to her. "I would've loved you for taking such good care of him. And maybe you knew before you left...maybe you knew I would come to him that day...that I would protect him and care for him. Maybe you knew I would be there for him...maybe that's what gave you the peace to leave. And I promise...I know I've made this promise to you before...that I would take care of him. Though this time I didn't bring the flowers, he didn't tell me we were coming to see you..."

I bulked, "Wait..."

The flowers...the mysterious flowers.

She looked up at me, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Flowers?" I asked, "You brought flowers?"

"Theo, that's what a person does when they come to the cemetery, right? In fact, I didn't want to be rude, it's like visiting a friend and not bringing gifts..."

I cut her off, "How long have you been doing it?"

She spaced out, "I don't know...since I arrived I guess. I figured I never attended the funeral and you weren't in town also. So I thought I would take the responsibility...although I forgot to do it in some days..."

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