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My eyes fluttered to a moving car. I was squished into a tiny place...with someone else.

The sharp pain from my right flank made me even dizzier. I winced, trying to touch it but my hands struggled against the zip-up tying them on my back.


I moaned to the pain radiating to my back and belly.

"Oh my God, Keegan, you're okay."

It took seconds for my mind to register Millie's voice.

"Oh God, I thought you were dead." She sobbed.


"It's's okay. Just rest. I'm fine."

My head was buzzing badly. "I feel dizzy."

"Just rest."

"Where is he taking us?"

"I don't know. He didn't say."

Something old inside me tugged into my chest. An old fear. An old memory.

A text entered my phone.

Theo : Hey.

Me : What? 😒

Theo : I missed you.

There was a small tug on my chest that I ignored and tucked it off.

Me : What do you want, Theo? 😒

Theo : Can you come over?

Me : No.

Theo : Please...

That treacherous tug again.

Me : NO.

Theo : You know you just have to.

I frowned.

Me : And why's that?

Theo : I exchanged our assignment.

What the fuck?

Theo : You have mine and I have yours.

Me : Theo, you son of a thing, give me back my assignment.

I had finished it early at school so I could spend my night watching a trashy reality TV show.

He wasn't typing.

I felt frustrated.

And he typed again.

Theo : Come get it or I'll put my name on it and submit it next week.

My anger flared haywire.

Me : I swear to God, I'll kill you.

Theo : That's my feisty girl.

I was pacing with rage in my room. That idiot.

Theo : Okay. I won't put down my name. I just want to see you. Please.

That tug on my chest lingered longer than I wanted. Making me get into my shoes and sneak out through my bedroom window. Just to see him.

Mom was in the kitchen making dinner. I was sure it would be ready at eight. I would already be back by that time.

I would be quick.

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