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"Yeah, that's why my mom told me she saw you..."

"I guess so."

"Now it makes sense. For some reason you can't stand your mom, it's obvious you didn't go see her."

Keegan was having a coffee date with May.

"Imagine...she comes to my place almost God knows how many times, why should I go visit her?"

"I still don't get why you didn't go back to your parent's place...for some reason, Theo also chose to live some other place. He barely even visited his parent's mansion." May commented

"How do you know that?"

"Must I remind's a small town, Kee, people have not seen him or anyone near that mansion."

"But it's almost out of town..."

"...still, no one has seen anyone in those areas ever since."

Keegan was quiet for a split second, thinking.

The last time she saw him, she talked to him about her nightmares, and he left before she woke up. She kept wondering if he had the same triggers she had. He said he also had nightmares but he didn't talk about them.

She had broken one of the rules...talking about what happened. Even if it was a dream - or nightmare, as he kept it - it still related to the past they promised not to speak of.

"You should have seen the poor guy at his parent's funeral..." May kept speaking. "...he looked so hurt, so lost...but mostly...traumatized. It was by the time you left..." She narrowed her eyes. "...which was weird cause afterward he came looking for you."

Keegan was still quietly sipping her coffee.

May looked at her intently. "For some reason, the police failed to know what exactly happened the day the couple was found dead. Theo wouldn't talk. Keegan..."

Keegan looked at her friend.

" you know what any means, did he tell you? I want to say that it's a coincidence that you silently left and cut all connections with everyone here but..."

Keegan cut her off. "...because it is a coincidence, May."

"Then why didn't your parents want you to have contact with anyone?"

"May, we've talked about this, please...let's just...change the topic, okay?"

"Yeah...whatever..." She swirled her coffee. "So the poor guy also left afterward..."

Keegan almost snapped, "But we agreed to change the topic."

May stared at her, frozen almost. "I...did. You didn't want to talk about you so...I switched the topic to...Theo." She narrowed her eyes at her.

Keegan had to fix her composure. "Oh...of course...I...of course."

May just stared at her even more. Keegan had to look for something else to talk about...soon.

"So when am I going to meet your little girl, again?"

After the coffee date with May, Keegan headed back to work from home while May went home to get ready for her hospital shift. Shayne was there to keep her company and help her with some work.

After a while of quiet and boredom, Shayne decided to cut off the disturbing silence. "So..."

Keegan looked at him.

"I heard you've been hanging out with an old friend for these few days."

"Of course...I haven't introduced you to May, have I? You'd like her. She..."

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