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Keegan took a sharp breath and opened her eyes.

It was dawn. It was way too bright.

She jolted up after noticing she was not on her own bed, or in her own room, and definitely not in her own house. The design and make-out of the room was obviously familiar. She had seen it once, when Theo was in bed with that model, Millie.

But she didn't want to think about it.

Her head was already pounding on her skull, she thought she was dying.

How much had she had to drink?

The memory playing on her mind was dinner with Shayne and wine. Lots of wine.


Home. Shayne had taken her home.


She had called Marcus to drive her here. At Theo's. She was pissed that he hadn't once come to see her after their fight - after her angry and jealous tantrums.

She hissed at the throbbing headache and put her feet on the cold marble floor. It was way too bright in the room. The curtains were drawn back and the floor-to-ceiling windows weren't making it any bearable.

She walked towards them and drew the curtains close but not exactly shutting out the light.

She rubbed her eyes and looked down at her body. She was in a huge T-shirt and boxers.

Her heart leaped.

Theo lived alone. And if someone had undressed her yesterday night, it was him.

Her stomach did a summersault when she heard small noises from outside the room.

She walked out to follow the sound and found Theo busy in the kitchen, giving her his back. The smell of toast, bacon, and eggs filled the room. There was a small tray with a glass of juice, a plate of two avocado toast, a bowl of strawberries and blackberries, and an empty plate, waiting.

She looked at the massive glass clock on the wall, it was eight-fifteen.

She looked at the living room...

Pieces of glass.

"Why - why did you let it hit you?"

But there were no pieces of glass on the floor...or anywhere in the house.

Had she imagined it?

But he had kissed her last night. They had kissed after the incident with the bottles of liquor. He had smelled of liquor and expensive cologne. The scent had been on her nose ever since she woke. His scent was still on her...mixed with last night's whisky. It was there.

But the broken pieces of glass weren't.

Her feet were light when she walked to the kitchen island and sat on one of the stools. "What happened to the broken glass on the floor?"

Theo turned to her and then gave a beautiful smirk. "Huh, you're awake. I thought you'd stay in bed longer."

Of course, he was deflecting the question.

"What happened last night?" Her voice was groggy as she leaned her arms on the island.

The sizzling on the stove lowered. He had lowered the heat and turned, folding his arms. His blue eyes lit wildly with the morning light. "You asked me to kiss you."

She felt her stomach heat up.

It was real. The kiss was real...

And so was the broken glass.

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