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Theo was unconscious. I knew because they never revived him when they arrived to rescue us. Everything felt like a horrible haze. I couldn't hear correctly, I could only see blur and the only thing I cared to say when they asked me what had happened was 'Theo.'

I swear I almost crawled to him when they carried us out. The paramedics had to hold me down when the police were trying to get answers from me. Some of them ran into the bloody mess.

My dad had asked them to leave me alone and I saw them trying to revive him. He was unresponsive.

Until they took me in the ambulance, he was still unresponsive.

My parents were inside the ambulance. My head hurt from thinking about him. I needed to know if he was alive.

By the time we arrived at the hospital, my stretcher was taken in last. I knew something was wrong, my heart told me something had happened to him. They didn't realize how much of a mistake it was, to put us beside each other. They didn't realize it until I pulled down the curtain that separated us.

"Restraim her." I heard one of the doctors say.

"No...please..." I begged, "I just want to know how he's doing."

There were multiple medics in my spot, some taking blood samples, some administering medications, and some tearing off my clothes to look for any injuries.

"Miss, do you know where you are?"

"I'm in the hospital."

"Do you know who I am?"

"A doctor" My eyes kept straying him to Theo. He was also flooded with people in scrubs.

"Do you know what happened to you?"

"I was in an accident."

"What happened?"

"I...we..." I turned to Theo. They were putting something inside his throat...a tube or something. I pushed my hand towards them. "What are you doing?"

They turned to me. "Someone put a curtain in here."

"Keegan..." My mom showed up together with my dad.

"What are they doing to him?" I strained to reach him and they held me back on the bed.

"Keegan stop!"

"What is wrong with him?" Tears filled my eyes, "Why isn't he waking up?"

They held me down.

"Keegan stop!" My mom sobbed.

"Why isn't he waking up?" I shouted.

They stopped putting whatever it was they were putting in his mouth when a continuous beeping sound started on the screen. "He's crashing." They pulled the bed down to one eighty degrees in a panic.

Something was very wrong.

"What is happening?" I was trembling, clawing at the nurses who held me to the bed. "What is wrong with him?"

The nurses resumed CPR on him while another one pulled that horrible machine like in the movies...the one that helps to start the heart. Most people die afterwards.

I clawed harder on them.


"Hold her down!"

"Sedate her."

I thrashed harder.

I didn't want Theo to die.

"Stop!" I yelled, "Stop it!"

They used it on him once...

"Stop it, please..." I cried my voice raw.

Shared DemonsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora