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I was sure I was being followed. At first, I thought it was mere paranoia but no...I was being followed. There was always this shady guy a few steps behind me, and I think Theo was right.

I slept awake every night but nothing happened. No one tried to sneak in. No one tried to scare me. No one sent threats.

It was just that...just being followed.

I was confused but scared.

I told my dad about it but as far as he could search, everything looked normal. After Dad sent officers to patrol around my place, the activity stopped for a while. They concluded that nothing was suspicious.

I asked a co-worker about the whereabouts of the man that attacked me but they said he was busy on some vacation until the trials. It didn't ease my suspicions especially when the activity resumed.

I told Shayne about it but he's been lacking concentration too much lately. Even if we were being followed, he wouldn't have noticed.

His eyes were on his phone. "Again, you are being paranoid."

I snapped back, especially since he was calm with this. "I'm not paranoid."

For once he unglued his face from the screen. "Come on, Kee, a man aimed a loaded gun at you when you provoked him, and it scared the shit out of you. And supposedly, he's out there somewhere and you're afraid he might send some hitman after you." He shifted on his chair. "Trust me, if he wanted to do all that, he would have. But you're sitting on that chair, in your house, weeks after, saying you're not being paranoid."

I made the frown on my face obvious to him. "I don't get paranoid. I am the least curious person in this world."

"Are you?" He turned to his phone after hearing a ping.

I looked at it. "Who is it that you are constantly on the phone with?"

He looked at me. "No one in particular."

He tried. He really did. But the body had ways of betraying us. I could see his neck turning pink, then his cheeks, then his whole face.

I raised a brow and scoffed.

"What?" He shifted on his chair again.

"You shift a lot on your chair."


"It means you're nervous and lying, Shayne. I've known you long enough to notice."

"And you say you're not curious."

"Being observant and curious are too different things. Being observant is me knowing it's a woman making you blush stupidly and being less curious is me not asking who it is." I turned to my laptop as he chuckled and looked at his screen again.

I kept myself busy for a while again until I noticed movement from my floor-to-ceiling window that was across the living room. I flinched.


"Mmh..." Again, he was busy on his phone.

I looked at him and was sure he didn't see anything. "Never mind."

This time he didn't answer.

I got off my stool and went on the kitchen counter, grabbed and knife, and hid it behind me. I looked at Shayne who was still busy on his phone.

I walked out of the kitchen. "I think I parked my car badly on the driveway. I'm going to put it in the garage."

"Okay." He muttered, "Be careful."

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