Chapter 11

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The rest of the week passed painfully slow, yet some part of me wanted everything to go slower.

Now it's Friday. And it's the morning before school, and like always, I'm back in her classroom. " Whatcha doing? " she questions eyeing me curiously as I fiddle with the different things on my lanyard.

"Oh nothing," I smile, letting my lanyard fall back to being against my lap.

" Oh, Kylie! " she started suddenly excited."Hmm? " I responded, not quite carrying her enthusiasm. " I didn't tell you what my brother said," she laughed, pulling her phone out.

After a few moments of searching, she found a video and turned her phone around to show it to me. It was a video about Harry Styles fans and their craziness. " I think he was trying to tell me something," she laughs, rolling her eyes. I smile along with her. " I wish me and my siblings talked like that. " I smile.

She smiles back. " it took a while for us all to be close again. Maybe your siblings will come around. " I haven't been close with the majority of my siblings for most of my life, even more so now, seen as I'm basically the youngest, at least out of my dad's kids. For my mom, I'm the middle child.

" Aren't you kinda close with your little sister and brother? " she questioned, that being my mom's kids. My siblings are kind of complicated, but I'll leave that for later.

" Yeah, I'm close with my little sister, not so much, my older brother anymore. " she nods. " Well, don't you have an older sister? I always wished I had one of those. " she smiles. " Yeah, but I haven't seen her in over a year. " I sigh. " Oh, well, that sucks." I nod.

" I wished I had an older sister so she could have taught me all of the 'girly things' " she spoke in air quotes " well if it's any consolation, my older sister didn't teach me any of that stuff either. " she looked at me dumbfounded. " Really? "

" Yeah, I dont even know how to curl my hair. " she looked at me again, dumbfounded," you're kidding. " Nope. " she looked sad. Almost as if she were sad for me. " How come?"

I sighed. " Well, my sister became a mom, so she didn't really have enough time to be an older sister anymore. To be fair me and my sister do have quite the age gap." She looked sad and then excitedly suddenly jumped up.

She quickly opened her desk drawer and pulled out a ruler. " Well, I'll show you," and so she stood up and placed the ruler against her hair. " Now watch me," and I did. It felt almost silly at first. Watching her wrap her hair around a ruler. But the longer I stared, I could swear there was some sort of intimacy between us.

It felt wrong watching her allow her hair to be bound into tight curls. Yet I adored her smile as she wrapped the strands of her hair into a tight ring. Suddenly, with quick haste, she allowed her hair to fall from her fingertips and instead fall from the ruler in a coil like shape. Though without the heat, it falls apart just as quickly.

" See? And then you just pull it out like this, " she shows. " Oh cool," I smile. " Thanks for teaching me. " she smiles." Of course, it's my job, isn't it? " and I laugh." Here, you try it. " she holds the ruler out, and it takes me a second, but I eventually grab it. " Go on, try it. " she encourages, and I immediately feel embarrassed and dumb with the way I'm holding it. I feel nervous under her gaze, yet still, her smile cheers me on.

But still, like her, I brought the ends of my hair around the ruler and attempted to twist it around it, like her. " No, no, that's not it. " she laughs." Here, let me help. " she smiles, moving to stand across from the desk I'm sitting on. She takes the ruler, now knotted in my hair, and untangles it. " There," she smiles, showing off the now unstuck ruler. She does her example again, though this time on me.

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