Chapter 5

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Monday comes far quicker than expected, I was soon back in her classroom babbling on about my weekend and filling her in on whatever tea.

That's always been a great part of me and Ms. Willows relationship, we fill each other in on everything.

It's actually kind of crazy how it all works out, we both vent to each other about everything that's going on, and all of the drama with certain friends and family, but these are people we will never meet.

I'm never gonna meet her brothers boyfriend that she rambles about, or her boyfriends sister and her wife, their all just people apart of her world. People that I will only hear her versions of. It's wild that you know people by name that you've never met. 

It's wild enough that some of them know me by name. To know that she can tell those same people in her life my name and they can be like " oh? As In Kylie the student? " and they know who's she's talking about.

I had to force my thoughts aside as she gave me an almost worried glance. I felt as a giggle left my lips to fill the silence. She smiled slightly, almost as if to also lighten this uncomftarble silence.

I have all of her attention, nobody else is here yet, so why aren't I enjoying it? The thoughts scattered my mind. I felt as though I was burning under her concerned gaze.

" so how was your weekend? " I tried, realizing the room has been silent for some minutes now because of my time in deep thought.

She gave me a small smile almost as acknowledgement of my quick subject change. " it was rather boring, I recorded more music which was nice. " I smiled at that. Ms. Willow records music sometimes, and I believe is even planning on posting it in the future.

I've been a big fan of hers since before I even heard her voice. Last year she showed me a song that she recorded and it amazed me so much. It was wild listening to her just sing, sing as if no one else was watching. It felt nice being able to hear that secret part of her, a part of her that isn't so commonly known. It makes me feel special sometimes getting to know certain parts of her nobody else has.

She doesn't sing alone, she actually sings with her sister in law of all people. Her boyfriends sisters wife. It's a rather wild scramble of words but it's true, and the two of them are amazing.

Ms. Willows voice is more airy almost, she sounds mythical, ethereal while her bandmates is soft, sweet like syrup, their voices together harmonize into perfection.

I've told her before that I wish as a kid I got into music and she told me that " it's still not too late" and I laughed at the time at the reassurance. I know myself in that I will never learn, I couldn't even play hot cross buns on a recorder let alone a piano.

Ms. Willow is talented in several aspects of her life, she can play the piano, the guitar and even the flute, she crossed over into all kinds of different aspects of music. She may even know more than that.

I realized that I left her in silence again and forced myself to respond " oh nice, what are y'all recording now? " and she rambled on about it for a few minutes while I tried to keep my mind from drifting elsewhere.

I could usually bring myself in and listen completely to her but today was proving to be difficult. I didn't even nessisiarly know what was bothering me. Maybe this was just coming with the cool weather, the seasonal blues.

Or just the lasting effects of having to see my mother over the weekend. I feel as though now is not the proper time to get into her.

I can usually listen to Ms. Willow speak with ease, it's other people that I get distracted with, like for example if Bee rambles on and on about anime I will eventually tune them out, I dont do it on purpose, it's just the way my brain works. Realizing that I'm zoning out again I sigh and rub my temples with my hands, clearly frustrated with myself.

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