Chapter 7

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The unwelcomed silence that fell after only left me begging that I had stayed silent.

" are you okay? " her voice softly spoke, I had been spaced out for several moments. Her words impacted me, and I didn't understand why " sorry, yeah, just thinking." She placed her pen down, and laid her hand under her chin, turning her body to me. " aren't you always? " she questioned, though I knew she wasn't waiting on a response.

" talk to me about it" I looked at her confused. Ms. Willow wasn't my therapist, I didn't want her to act as though she was in some ways. I guess I was just nervous to open up, especially to her.

" it's nothing" I smiled, trying to seem unbothered, but the truth was I was burning up as the seconds passed her eyes were like lasers, she could see through me.

" mmm.. Then why doesn't it seem like nothing? " she questioned, yet I was far too stubborn to just comply. I could never just give in. I had to win always.

" Kylie. " she deadpanned, making me look at her again. " yes? " I questioned innocently. " speak" she spoke sternly with a raised brow and for once I had to let her win.

" fine. " she immediately perked up, who would have thought me complying would get her so giddy? " I'm proud of you" she smiled and I felt my heart palpitate. God me and my mommy issues.

" I was just over thinking a lot. " I spoke honestly and she nodded " well I could see that. " she smiled " your eye brows always furrow when your frustrated or lost in thought" she pointed out.

I hadn't even noticed that about myself but she was right. I could usually see that stuff in others but here she was reading me like a damn book.

" so are you gonna continue or what? " she joked and I rolled my eyes.

" your words.. " I started and she looked at me confused " what about them? " she questioned, waiting on a response, her eyes still never leaving mine. " they just meant something" I smiled.

She smiled too, but more or so a sad smile, a knowing smile. She knew that I didn't really hear endearing or reassuring things like that, not often anyways.

She sighed looking back at her computer. " Well I meant every word. " she spoke softly. " And if you ever need the reminder, I'll repeat it again, until you believe it. " she spoke turning her head to the side with a playful smile. " I think you'll do great thing Kylie. " she smiled, but was soon dragged away, her attention being drawn to her computer by the existence of a new email. One far too important to ignore.

We didn't speak much after that, instead the time passed awfully slow, me and Ms. Willow spoke in awkward conversation every few minutes, her busy in work and me forcing myself to read a new book I had retrieved from the library earlier in the day. Right before being almost late to first period. I stayed glued to the book so I wouldn't have to engage in some of the awkward silence that would fall after when all of her attention goes towards grading.

She would mumble little frustrated words after grading something wrong or being annoyed by the fact some of her students weren't showing their full attention.

Although I had my book out, I was really studying her, I quietly watched her bite the end of her pen or run her fingers softly through her hair.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't staring her down like a creep or anything, yet rather glancing up every few pages to see if she was still busy in the papers on her desk, and for the most part she was.

Taking breaks every once in a while to check her phone and text assumingly her boyfriend.

Though our time spent alone came to a close as I heard Bee's much like mine loud lanyard make it's way down the hallway.

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