»Kyran...« Gently Cas stroked my cheek and put his forehead against mine. »Don't think about death now, please. Enzo and Emily are already figuring out how to remove the curse. You are safe now.«

Smiling, I closed my eyes. »How far did it reach?« I asked, though I felt how bad it was standing about me.

»Don't think about that...« Slightly he squeezed his lips together.

»You should sleep,« I said quietly as I looked at the dark circles beneath his eyes.

»I don't want to. You are finally back, I can't sleep,« he said desperately.

»And I won't go away. You look like you haven't slept in weeks. I'm worried about you too, so please sleep.«

Sighing he sat up. »But then only on a chair. I don't want to roll over you or our little ones.«

Quietly I laughed, which I immediately regretted when I broke out in a fit of coughs.

With a twisted, tormented expression he dragged a chair next to my bed after he stroked my back to calm my coughing down and then bedded his head on his arm that he had put on my bed and with the other one he twined our fingers together.

He needed the skin contact just as much as I did.

»You will get healthy again, finally go to work and we will raise our children. That is a promise,« he mumbled, yawning.

»Mhm,« I hummed quietly and watched how his eyes dropped and he snored only seconds later.

»This is your papa, my little ones. When I'm not here anymore then watch over him for me and show him that the world can be beautiful even without me.«

Watching me slowly die probably made him feel unimaginable things. I didn't even want to imagine what was going on inside of him that he was avoiding the topic about my death this sternly.

However, my death wasn't something to avoid anymore, it already took all my energy just to not give up right now. The escape to bring my puppies to safety already cost me too much energy so short after the birth and then with all the blood loss I had from the injuries.

Suddenly I heard footsteps inside the room and turned my head to the person.

»You are awake,« Caleb gasped with big eyes.

»Cal,« I said with a smile.

»He's asleep?« my little brother asked and pointed at Cas. Weakly I nodded.

His expression eased a bit as if a weight just fell from his shoulders. It seems he came to take a look at Cassian.

»How are my nephews and my niece?«

On silent soles he sneaked to my bed and looked down on my children. »I assume good...« I whispered. Again, pain shot through my body and for a second my breath halted.

»Could you please put them into that bed?« I asked and nodded to the transparent bed in which normally only children came that were born too soon or sick in any way. »Of course.«

Carefully he lifted them up and put them into the bed and covered them with a blanket before he turned to me again.

»And you?«

»Weak but still... good,« I answered heavily and knew I was telling him a lie and he knew it too.

»Good doesn't look like this,« he said and I sighed.

»Be at his side when my time comes.«


»You know that I will die and I'm not far away from it anymore. And you and I know that Cas won't be able to endure it.«

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