"Oh, just a moment," Bradley said, quickly grabbing the bib, and hoping that no spillage had come on Bunny. Max looked at him wide-eyed, his muscles tense and frozen.

"Sorry," Maxie said, if possible grabbing the stuffy even closer.

"It's nothing. But let's get the bib off and than we'll go to our room, and before you know it, Lewis will be there as well," Bradley said and Max shyly nodded.

"George come back?" Maxie asked, almost ignoring Lewis his presence.

"He will," Brad said, looking apologetically at Lewis, who smiled in affection to Max, understanding that his bunny was more important than Lewis right now, "so, let's go to our room,"

"I'll be going to," Lewis said, standing up, and Max suddenly looked at him, as if he just noticed the other man was there.

"Lewis go?" Maxie asked with a frown. Wasn't Lewis coming over to play with him? Had Maxie said something wrong.

"Yes. I need to go get something in my room. I'll come after," Lewis answered, "at least if you want me to?"

"Yes," Maxie said, nodding, "we play?"

"Sure," Lewis answered easily enough, ruffling Max's hair before leaving the little with his trainer.

He was quiet sure that Brad would manage to get Maxie back to their room, even with the limited attention span that Max was currently showing.

Lewis was going to get the pacifiers he had bought for Maxie, glad for this opportune moment to give them to the little. At least now Maxie would even be able to use them when he was going to bed.

"Come on, buddy, let's go back to our room," Brad said, taking Max's hand in his and guiding the little along.

"Will George take long?" Max asked, looking down at his stuffy, which was hanging from his elbow, "bunny is owie,"

"I know bunny is," Brad said looking amused at Maxie, "it might take a little while, but George will return before it's bedtime,"

"Okay," Maxie said, still holding bunny close by, "you hear bunny, you be okay soon,"

Brad smiled at the little, glad that Max let someone fix the stuffy. Even though Brad had wanted to do it himself, it had been clear that there had been too many misunderstandings and it was actually better that someone else was going to fix it to be sure that it would get fixed.

Closing the door to their hotel room, he let go of Maxie's hand and turned towards the little, looking down at Maxie.

"Are you wet?" Brad asked. It had been a while since he had changed Max, and with the rash that was still going on, he needed to keep Maxie in dry diapers, and got the salve on him regularly. Max shrugged and looked down at his feet, not really answering the question, "here, let me check,"

Brad was glad when Max didn't pull back, but stayed standing there passively with bunny in his hands. He did look to the side, as if he didn't notice the way that Brad softly touched the front of his crotch.

"I'm small," Maxie said, clearly knowing that he was quite wet already. He was still looking away, and was nervously fiddling with the one ear still attached to bunny.

Maxie knew that Brad had told him that he was okay with changing the diapers, and this one was just wet and not messy, but it still made him feel insecure.

Perhaps the caregiver might change his mind, or he would decide to not do it all. Afterall, Max had been changing his own diapers for years, so Brad knew that he was capable to do it himself.

Little MaxieWhere stories live. Discover now