Chapter 9

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(Kaitlyn's POV)

S.O.S. please, someone help me

The shrill of my phone's familiar ringtone blares into my bedroom, effectively waking me up. 

"Ugh..." I groan. I pick up my phone, squinting my eyes at the sudden and harsh brightness of the screen. I answer the phone and hold it to my ear and sigh in relief when the song turns off in the process. 

"Hello?" I say slowly, yawning in the process. I forgot to check the caller ID when I answered it, probably not my wisest decision in hindsight. Most of the calls that come in this late are either drunken love confessions, or pathetic attempts at late night booty calls. There isn't really an in between. 

Needless to say, I should probably start checking the caller ID if I plan to answer calls late at night. 

"Kaitlyn?" The person on the other end of the line squeaks out. I frown. Their voice was hoarse, and it was clear they had been crying. 

"Avalon? What's wrong?" I ask, placing the voice - however mangled - as that of my best friend. I glance at the alarm clock sitting on my night stand, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Why is she calling me at 2:30 in the morning? 

Or more importantly, what got her upset enough to call me at 2:30 in the morning in tears? Avalon never cries. 

Instead of answering me, she breaks out into sobs that I can barely hear through the line. 

"Avalon, what's wrong? Why are you calling me?" I ask, encouraging her to speak. I hear her stifle a sob and my eyes widen in concern. 

What's got her so shaken up that she can't even tell me what's wrong without breaking out into sobs?

"Just-- just get everyone and come over? Please." Her voice comes across as nervous and broken but most of all, afraid. 

"Uh," I hesitate. Nobody will be happy about me waking them up at 2:30 in the morning. But on the other hand, if Avalon is in trouble and is freaked out enough to ask me to bring everyone over to her house at 2:30 in the morning, then it's probably something serious. 

"Yeah, we'll be there as soon as possible." I finish and she hangs up, but not before I hear her mumble something inaudible.  

With a groan of frustration, I get out of bed. I throw a glance at the mirror than hangs on my wall as I walk past it, deciding my pajamas will have to do. I'm not going to put effort into getting ready this late, it's not worth it. 

I tiptoe my way down the hall to Ben's bedroom, quietly opening the door. I can't risk waking my parents or Natalie, they'd never let us out of the house this late and Natalie would certainly blab if she caught us. But Ben has always been like a brother to Avalon, and I know she'll want him there. 

"Ben," I whisper. When he doesn't stir, I try again. "Ben!" I shout quietly. His head jerks upward in alarm and he looks around frantically before his eyes rest on me. His eyes dart to his clock before landing on me once again. 

"You better have a reason for waking me up this late, Kait. I have band rehearsal tomorrow and I can't be lagging." He continues to glare at me as he waits for me to explain myself. 

If looks could kill, I'd be more than just dead right now. Ben takes his band very seriously. 

"Avalon called," Is all I say before his expression changes completely, now interested in what it is I have to say. "She was crying and said to get everyone to her house, you're part of everyone. Get up, we leave in five." 

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