Chapter 7

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(Avalon's POV)


I can't see anything as I try to make sense of what happened, everything around me dark. I hear faint voices lulling me back to sanity, willing me to return. 

The voices begin to grow in size and strength as I start to regain consciousness. 

My eyes open slowly as my brain attempts to work out what is going on, my mind still slightly fuzzy. My vision hasn't completely returned, black spots still littering the room as I take it in. 

My eyesight returns to normal, but I still can't understand anything that is going on around me. 

Nothing makes sense, I can see faces but can't place their names. I can hear people speaking, but can't understand or comprehend what the things they are saying mean. 

I feel helpless, to be honest. 

Suddenly everything becomes clear and all of my senses intensify before returning to normal. I'm still lost as to what is going on, though. 

Why is someone shaking me?

I inhale deeply, my lungs screaming for air. I can now make out who is around me and I can somewhat understand what they're saying. It all sounds frantic. 

I try to sit up, only to fall back down and hit my head on the floor. It hurt, a lot. I groan and settle for remaining on my back. 

I look up and for the second time today see concerned faces staring down at me, only this time it wasn't intentional. I'm not really sure what happened. 

"I'm okay. Can I just have a moment alone, please?" I ask, knowing that it's important to figure out what happened to me. But that will be rather difficult with everyone in the room. 

I actually have an idea as to what might have happened, but I'm not positive. 

After arguing with me about it they reluctantly leave the room, clearly not happy about it. Once I'm sure they're gone, I slowly make my way towards the bathroom. I sit on the edge of the counter and turn on the faucet. 

Normally when a mermaid gains new powers that are powerful, their bodies go into overdrive and they pass out from all the new pressure and energy in their body. 

I'm pretty sure that's what happened to me. 

I'm not going to test to see if I do have new powers right now, I can do that later. No, right now I'm going to transform myself. I need to transform in order to fully recover.

When a mermaid gets injured, the quickest and most effective way for them to heal is for them to be in their mermaid form, and surround their wound or hurt part of their body in water. 

Mermaids have a very strong connection with water, and it is essential that we have contact with water daily.

I stick my hand under the faucet, and leave the water running. I lie down on the floor, and swing the door shut. I wait for my tail to appear.

As my legs bind together, I have a strange feeling. It isn't just the pain, I feel...different. It feels as if I'm in a trance, like I'm not in control of my actions, yet I'm aware. 

So I'm scared when I absentmindedly lift my hand into the air, and it performs some sort of weird movement I'm not familiar with. 

I hear thunder outside. As my hand makes different movements, I can hear the weather outside changing. 

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