Chapter 5

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(Jade's POV)

~Earlier that day~

J: What time is the concert at?

I text Kaitlyn, asking about our plans to go to Ben's concert later. We'll need to get ourselves ready, and then we will have to go over to Avalon's house to pretty much blackmail her into going.

I don't know what's up with her. She always has some sort of excuse not to hang out with us whenever we want to do something fun. 

But the thing that gets to me is that even though we know she is lying, her parents always agree or confirm what she tells us. She's never been good at lying. I don't know, maybe I'm just paranoid. 

K: 11:30. It's 8:00 now, get ready. We'll meet up, and then go to Av's.

I get out of bed and grab the things I need to shower. I walk into my bathroom, and close the wooden door behind me, locking it. My family has issues with privacy. 

My family consists of my dad, my little sisters Anabelle, Sophie, Grace, and I. I'm the eldest child, as Anabelle and Sophie are twins and are 10, and Grace is 6. My mom died when Grace was 2, which made me 12.

I step out of the shower, wrapping my towel firmly around my body. I leave the bathroom and quickly walk to my bedroom. It's best to avoid my family in the morning, especially when all you're wearing is a towel.

 I close my door, turning around to find Grace sitting on my bed smiling at me.

"Grace, what are you doing in my bedroom?" I ask, hoping she will leave so I can get ready. 

"Well, I was wondering if I could borrow something?" Typical Grace, she always wants to borrow my things. At least she asks, unlike Soph and Ana.

"What would you like to borrow, Grace?" I ask politely.

 "Your old dolls!" Grace is at the age where she loves to play with dolls, and she loves to borrow mine. I have a bin of dolls in my closet, that I used to play with when I was her age. 

"Of course," I say, walking over to my closet. I open my closet, walking in a few steps. I hold onto my towel with one hand while using the other one to reach up to grab the large bin.

I grab it and put it on the bed. She has 5 favorites out of the 20 or so I have. She quickly grabs them out as they are on top, where she left them last time. 

"Grace," I start, and she looks up at me, pure happiness on her face. 

"Yes?" She is going to be even happier. 

"Why don't you just keep those ones?" Her smile immediately widens, and she pulls me into a hug. I feel awkward as I am in only a towel, but despite that, I hug her back. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She screams out, before running out of my room to her own. I shut my door, locking it.

Once I'm completely ready, I reply to Kait.

J: Ready. You?

Her reply is almost instantaneous.

K: Almost. Come over.

J: Okay, be there in 10.

With that, I grab my phone and wallet and head out. I walk the few blocks necessary, and in about 10 minutes I'm standing in front of Kaitlyn's large house. I knock on the door and her mom answers. 

"Hello, Jade!" She pulls me into a hug. "Kaitlyn is almost ready, you can come inside and wait for her if you'd like."

 I walk in, going straight to her bedroom after thanking her mother. Not bothering to knock, I let myself in.

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