Chapter Twenty One: I Wanna Be There For You!

Start from the beginning

She was slowing down, her lips moving as she mumbled the rest of the spell.  When she twirled to a stop in the middle of the circle, she crossed her legs and spread her arms out, palms upwards.

Her voice echoed as she spoke the final words of the ritual, a mix of Rose's and hers.  "The Light of All Stars!"

The light that had been in small columns around Lucy's body was instantly sucked into the cracks of the now-glowing yellow seals.  Just like the time she was forced to re-summon the dragons, a giant pillar of pure golden light appeared.  It spread out across the sky, turning the dark clouds into a golden atmosphere.

"That's the spell..."  Gray muttered as he strived to catch his breath.

Erza and Wendy stopped to, turning to look at the rising column of light.

"Let us continue, Dragneel."  Annabelinda replied, growling lowly.  "It is my will to protect both Rose and Lucy.  They are my foster kin."

Natsu nodded.  "I'm all fired up!"


The dragons hissed and roared nervously, spread out so far across the sky that at a point in time their bodies were just black silhouettes.  However, they did not go to the city; after all, they were still bound to Lucy.

"This will take an incredible amount of power, Lucy."  Rose replied in her mind.  "You even might not be able to complete this."

I know, I know!  Lucy exclaimed in her mind.  Just keep guiding me!  

"Open the gates to reveal the truth, and rebind the souls of the wild!"

Lucy felt a sharp pain shoot through her, but she recovered quickly and made sure not to falter.

"Keep them tied, for they do not belong here anymore!"  Lucy opened her eyes, and they shined with a yellow light.  

"Take them away!"

Lucy gasped as she noticed the minds of every single dragon fuse with hers.  Since she was starting the Light of All Stars - and she was tied to the dragons by soul - she could feel them, like they were apart of her.

Rose, do you see that?!  Lucy exclaimed, glancing around slowly and painfully as she noticed something off about all the dragons.

"They are still under the spell of Rogue?!"


"Natsu."  Annabelinda replied through dragon telepathy, a few miles away from Natsu.  

Natsu turned towards her in subconsciousness.  "What's up?"

It was fascinating how Annabelinda was able to hear Natsu, despite how far apart they were.

"It seems Lucy and Rose just found out all of the dragons are still under Rogue's spell."

"What?!"  Natsu exclaimed, dumbfounded.  "But Rogue is..."

"It seems defeating Rogue doesn't solve that problem."  The Spirit Dragon replied, flying over to him slowly as she watched the dragons around them.

"What are they going to do?"  Erza called from the ground, able to hear the dragon's telepathy as well as the others.  She transformed into her Heaven's Wheel Armor, dodging a swipe of a giant claw from a white dragon.

Fairy Tail: With Me♥ (1st Book in the "Intertwined Fates" Series!)Where stories live. Discover now