Chapter Nine: Interlacing of the Little Light Being

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Hey, mina! I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but...I really wanted to end the chapter where it was, to give some good suspense!★ Things are finally starting to unravel after so many questions! I hope this surprises you, cause it was what I was going for. ;) I dedicate this chapter to LucyAshleyHeartfilia, because her Fairy Tail fanfiction Lucy's Bookland Adventures is amazing, and I really hope she enjoyed my last NaLu fanfictions!~♥ I hope it was surprising at the end of the last chapter too, haha. But I hope you enjoy, and I promise to update tomorrow after school, since this chapter is so dang short! At least I uploaded a chapter before this, right? Two in one day, haha. Anyways, comments and other feedback are extremely welcome, so do so, ne? Until next time,



When Lucy woke from her slumber, she felt terrible.  She was sitting upright, her hands tied painfully together by chains that were cutting into her skin severely.  Her legs were entrenched; her knees aching from non-use as scratched coated her legs.  Her blue clothes were torn, her left sleeve shredded to streamers.  Her belt sagged uselessly and wretchedly over her hip, empty-like without her keys.  She squinted her eyes in the dim lighting, and felt the side of her forehead slightly crusted, which meant she'd taken a blow to the head.  She was residing on a cold cobble-stoned floor, nothing in the room except her and the chains.  Cold chills swept up her legs like spiders and up her spine, making her shiver multiple times.

The last thing she remembered was Rogue slamming into her, after she had called out to Natsu and Happy in Winterlight.

But where am I now?  Lucy thought, blinking a few times to clear her vision.

She spotted a door across the room, but she couldn't get to it with her wrists chained up like they were.

She sighed.  Everything will be fine.  Just relax.  Natsu and the others are sure to come for me soon...

"They won't come."

Lucy yelped, looking up in horror as she saw Rogue in the shadows, leaning against the stone wall.  In dread, she forced her legs to cooperate with her as she scootched as far back against the wall she could get.  

Pain as hot as needles shot through her wrists, and she sucked in a sharp breath, biting her lip.  "W-What?"

Rogue blinked slowly, almost dazedly.  "I said: your friends will not come for you."

"Of course they will!"  Lucy exclaimed, dismay in her voice.  "If I know Fairy Tail, they'll-"

"I left a substitute in your place.  They will and shall not know you are really gone."

"S-Substitute?"  Lucy murmured, her pupils contracting in abhorrence.

Rogue waved his hand, and shadows spinned and molded, gaining in height and volume until it was in a perfect human shape.  Then, Rogue flicked his fingers, and the body solidified, gaining in color and details.

There stood a copy of Lucy, herself.

Lucy gasped in surprise, not believing what she was seeing.  "I-It's me..."

"A perfect copy of you."  Rogue replied, glancing upwards at his creation.  "Same personality, knowledge, I guess you could say it is you."

"S-So what?!"  Lucy exclaimed, flinching as she vellicated her hands out of habit, pain flying down her arms.  "They'll see right through it and come save me!"

Rogue narrowed his eyes at her.  "Friendship is a wasteful connection for you."

"You're wrong!"

He lifted an eyebrow.  "Oh?  Take a look, then."

This time, his eyes lost the white in them for a few dim seconds, a portal appearing on the wall.

Lucy gasped in surprise.  "What the-?!"

The mirage showed Fairy Tail; Natsu and-


Her Fake-Lucy impostor was sitting at a table with Natsu, Gray, Wendy, and Erza.  She couldn't catch what they were saying, but Gray had his feet up on the table.  The scene changed, to what looked like the next day, Natsu and Fake-Lucy walking back to Fairy Tail through the woods.

"No..."  Lucy murmured, her voice quivering.  "Th-They're coming for me.  They know I'm gone..."

"They do not."  Rogue replied harshly, shutting the portal with a swoosh.

Lucy's hope faltered slightly, but she clenched her teeth in defiance.  "Just what do you plan to do with me?"

Something evil and sickening flashed through Rogue's eyes, and Lucy felt her stomach churn in vileness.  "I need your Powers of Summoning, Light Being."

"Light Being?"  Lucy asked, gasping.  "I've..heard that before!  But what do I have to do with anything about Rose Valentine?!  And who is she anyways?!"

Rogue looked between a mix of annoyed and angered.  "Rose Valentine saved the world from an attack of thousands of dragons, which was later named Dragon Doomsday.  The dragons just mysteriously disappeared, which was the result of Rose Valentine."

"How could she do such a thing?"  Lucy murmured, her voice cracking in strain.

"She sealed them in her soul."  Rogue replied, his eyes black slits.  "Using her powers."

"She..what?  N-No way!"

"She was a Celestial Spirit Mage, just like you."  Rogue replied, his voice husky.  "But she had another power; something special that allowed her to perform such a complicated spell."

"What do you mean?"  Lucy murmured, fear engulfing her to the very core.

"She was a Spirit Dragon Slayer."

Fairy Tail: With Me♥ (1st Book in the "Intertwined Fates" Series!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ