One Question: What's Your Favorite Color? | Febuwhump Day 20

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"Hey, what are you doing?" Kix snarled. "No. Stop moving."

"We have to–to find shelter. We don't have much time," Ahsoka panted as Kix held her down.

"Yeah, you don't have much time," Kix snapped. "If I can't get this out of you soon, you're going to die." Ahsoka Knit her brows together, lifting her head to watch him as he continued frantically, "And if I take it out and can't stop the bleeding, you're going to die from that."

"Well, I don't like either of those ideas," Ahsoka said.

"So you better stay right there while I fix this," Kix said.

Ahsoka, half-sighing, half-groaning, tilted her head against the pod again and shut her eyes. She knew an injury like this wouldn't usually be such an issue, but without the appropriate medical equipment, Kix had to improvise quickly. One mistake and she was dead.

It was a good thing Ahsoka trusted Kix.

"You know, you got lucky again," Kix said over his banging around on the other side of the pod, probably noticing her eyes were closed and wanting to make sure she stayed awake. "A bit to the right and it would've punctured your heart."

"Obi-Wan always says there's no such thing as luck," Ahsoka said automatically.

"General Skywalker seems to believe otherwise."

Ahsoka squeezed her eyelids together, fresh pain wafting over her in waves. "Have you seen any signs of either of them?"

"No, not since the attack," Kix said with a huff, obviously working hard on bullying whatever he'd scrounged up into something that would work as a medical tool. Then he scoffed. "Kriffing droids, shooting us down while we were in neutral space."

"The Seppies don't play by the rules," Ahsoka said, intaking a sharp breath. "We have something they want."

"Can't figure out why they want it."

"They have their reasons."

Kix didn't answer for a moment, breathing almost as hard as Ahsoka, then she heard him scuttle over the rocks towards her.

"Okay," Kix said, and Ahsoka felt the back of his hand brush against her wrist. "I have one question for you. What's your favorite color?"

Ahsoka frowned, wondering if she was growing delirious and misheard him. "Why would you–"

A ripping pain cut her off and she yelped then she felt her top tear and something hot searing her shoulder. A cry of pain shredded her throat, which turned into heaving breaths of air and finally the heat left her skin, but it still hurt like crazy. Ahsoka wished she could have some painkillers.

"Sorry, Commander," said Kix, observing the shrapnel which was coated in a layer of her blood. "It's supposed to hurt less when it's a surprise." He tossed the metal behind him and it clattered to the ground loudly.

Ahsoka could smell her charred flesh where Kix had cauterized the wound and feel the blood which stuck to her skin and soaked her clothes. "I'm pretty sure someone stupid who's never even bruised a knee made that up," Ahsoka huffed.

Kix gave her a sort of half smile before looking up at the sky and around again. She knew what he was thinking. Ahsoka's cry, though justified as it was, probably attracted some Speratist attention.

"We need to keep moving," Kix said.


"Take it easy, Commander," Kix called after Ahsoka as she trudged ahead of him through the gravely path they'd found up against a stone mountain. "That was only a temporary fix and that wound could open up again if you're not careful."

Ahsoka Tano One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें