Nobody spoke for a good while, and the only sounds that were heard was the ticking clock, and the sound of Pugsley eating from the bowl of food on the table.

Eventually, Dr. Kinbott broke the silence.
"So. Who wants to start?"

Nobody spoke.

"Maybe we can discuss what's it's like having
Wednesday away from home?" She suggested.

Neither of the parents spoke, but Pugsley did.
"I'm mean...for's been hard not having
Wednesday around. I never thought I'd miss
being waterboarded so much."

Dr. Kinbott smiled awkwardly, and turned to
the parents. "Morticia, Gomez, how have you
been coping?"

"It's been torture for us too." Morticia admitted.

"Fortunately, my brother Fester's rack fits two
people." Gomez added.

"Nothing like a good stretch to bring out the
best on each other." Morticia agreed, as the two
held hands.

"Querida mia." Gomez whispered, and placed
multiple kisses on Morticia's hand.

"Enough!" Wednesday snapped.

She stood up and pulled out the police file. "I
think it's high time my parents faced the music.
It seems they've been lying to me. Keeping
secrets. Murderous secrets that need to be

Wednesday held up a paper that had a photo of
a young boy on it. "Who was Garrett Gates and
why are you accused of murdering him?"

"Woah." Pugsley said in awe.

"Those charges were dropped. Your father is an
innocent man." Morticia defended.

"Local sheriff doesn't seem too convinced."
Wednesday pointed out.

Morticia and Gomez stood up.

Wednesday, stop. This is neither the time nor
the place." Morticia said firmly.

"Actually, this is exactly the place." Dr. Kinbott
interrupted. "These sessions are-"

"Doctor. This does not concern you." Morticia
snapped, and then turned to Wednesday. "And I
refuse to debate a decades-old witch hunt with
you right now.

Morticia turned to leave.

"Darling, maybe we should-."

"No. This session is over." She declared.

"Have it your way, mother. If you refuse to tell
me the truth, I'll just have to excavate it myself."
Wednesday announced, grabbing her stuff and
storming out, Morticia following after her.

Pugsley turned to Dr. Kinbott and held the bowl
of food towards her. "Thanks for the candy."

"Actually, that's potpourri." She corrected.
"Why don't you take the bowl."


"What were you thinking?!" Morticia demanded
as she followed Wednesday outside. "How could
you ambush your father like that?"


Wednesday finally turned to face her. "How
could I? You insisted I got to this school. Did
you really think I wouldn't find out your

"You don't know the full story. Your father did
nothing wrong."

"I'll be the judge of that."

Morticia and Wednesday glared at each other,
and turned away from each other, walking

Pugsley held up the bowl of potpourri to his


Gomez reluctantly took and piece and ate it.
"Mm!" He exclaimed, and went to eat more.


Wednesday wanted time away from her family to figure out this secret. Wednesday was looking at Crackstone's statute, when she saw Y/n heading to the cemetery, with a rose in her hand.
Wednesday secretly followed and hid behind some sort of building.

Y/n went over to a grave. The grave read "Celia Rams." Y/n then fell to her knees.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I couldn't stop it. I can't..control it anymore." Y/n said as she started crying and went into a tornado drill position, but her hands were outwards and not on her head.

Wednesday hesitated going up to her but did it anyway. "Hey..what's wrong?" Wednesday asked making Y/n flinch.

Y/n stood up and wiped away her tears "Nothing." She calmly said going to walk out.

"Hey I know something is wrong. Please tell me." Wednesday begged.

Y/n stared at her for a couple seconds before tears started to roll down her face. She covered her eyes with hers hand, as Wednesday pulled her close and hugged her.

"I'm sorry I never told you.." Y/n apologized as she gripped onto Wednesday's back tightly.

"Now is a good time to tell me." Wednesday pleaded.

"Ok..ok..Celia Rams was my...first love. I lost control one day of my power and..." Y/n said stuttering on her words.

"And?" Wednesday asked raising an eyebrow.

"I..killed her..." Y/n said stepping away from Wednesday.

"I'm afraid it's going to happen to you to. That I'm going to kill you at anytime. The day will come. Flickering red eyes, body glitching, weakness, lost control of body, and random cravings of blood. All I'm saying out and stay sharp." Y/n said walking away leaving Wednesday absolutely shocked.

Wednesday Addams getting soft for someone? // Wednesday x Female Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now