Chapter 29 - Oh f*ck

Start from the beginning

"Almost done...and there, all finished" the doctor said, removing the needle and screwing the cap on the vial of blood. He took a small ball of cotton wool and passed it to me, ushering for me to press it firmly on top of the vein he had drawn blood from.

"See, how easy was that?" Chan asked as I smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. I mean it could definitely have been a lot worse.

"Honestly if you weren't here I probably would've passed out, threw up, then pass out again. My hearts racing, look" taking his hand I placed it on my chest over my heart, even I could feel how hard it beated in his hand as he smiled. Leaning down and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I would've never guessed you'd be scared of anything Liss, but it's all over now" He reassured. I breathed, finally gaining composure of myself as I sat up and awaited the doctors response.

"The results should take an hour to come through, in the meantime I just want you to stay put and relax, I'll be back with those results before you know it" I smiled, thanking him while Chan shook his hand also. As he opened the door to leave the room, Jisung was already stood there about to knock.

"Jisung?" Chan asked, looking to the boy that stood in the door frame.

"Oh hey, uh Chan, Seungmin needs your help, him and Changbin somehow messed up the TV in the living room" He said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck as Chan groaned.

"I swear its like I'm the father to a bunch of kids" Chan answered which made me laugh, I mean, he wasn't wrong.

"It's alright, go, Jisung can keep me company while you're busy with the kids" I continued laughing as Chan couldn't keep the smile back from creeping on his lips.

As Chan and the doctor left the room, Jisung took a seat on the bed next to me.


"Sooo..." I copied, him instantly glaring as I laughed.

"What's new princess?" He mocked, putting emphasis on the princess hinting at Chan's pet name for me.

"Oh very funny, what does Minho call you hmm? Baby? Boo? Love?"

"Well actually he calls me kitten"

I practically burst out laughing at the sound of it.

"Of course, the man who pretty much idolises cats calls you his kitten, very fitting Jisung" I said in between laughter again, holding my stomach.
He responded with laughter too.

"You know, its been a while since we spent some 1 on 1 time together. How is things really? Are you happy?" He asked, switching the conversation to a more serious note as I smiled.

"Honestly Han, I'm the happiest I have ever been, I feel loved, I feel appreciated and I have the best friends I could ask for" I responded, him smiling at the sound of it. He was always so happy for my happiness, that's why I loved him.

"And things are okay with San? Cause you know if he ever does anything to hurt you again I will physically torture him myself"

"Everything's good I promise Jisung. Me and San are finally on the same page. He respects that I've moved on, and from what I can see he genuinely values what this team is about and wants to help anyway I can. I'm guessing you've still not warmed up to him?" I asked as Jisung shook his head, laying back on the bed.

"I'll never trust him Liss, you shouldn't either" he said rather bluntly. I did understand it, it was going to take time and more grand gestures to prove it to certain people in the group. Especially Jisung, him being the best friend that I went home crying to 24/7. He was just being protective and I understood that.

"And you and Minho? All good there?" I asked, changing the subject to try and brighten the mood again. I watched his expression light up at just the sound of his name, that's how I could tell he was really in love.

"We're still in the honeymoon period of our relationship as they say, in fact I don't think it'll ever end. Liss I'm so happy. I'm really glad we've both found people that bring out the best in us" I smiled, taking his hand in mind and squeezing it as he grinned.

He was right and we were both incredibly lucky to find this source of happiness.

Time passed and I really enjoyed the time I had spent with Jisung, laughing and talking about anything and everything. With being so busy and spending time in our own couples we hadn't gotten a chance to be alone. I had missed my best friend, but I knew he was here whenever I needed him, just like I would be there for him.

The door knocked again so myself and Jisung sat up quickly. The previous doctor walked back into the room, quietly closing the door behind him as he smiled.

"So I have your results come through, as you know I tested a full blood count just to check absolutely everything. Did you want to discuss this privately or...?" His head pointing over to Jisung as I shook my head.

"No its okay, you can say it in front of Jisung I don't mind" I answered, it wasn't a big deal.

"So your levels all look great, usually we look out for sugar or protein in the blood in case something stands out but it all looks really healthy so that's good.." He explained as I frowned.

"Why do I feel like there's a but coming?" I asked, the doctors face softening again as he scanned through his paperwork.

"Alicia, we found that your blood contained high HCG levels"

"Okay, what does that mean doc?" Jisung asked, also becoming nervous at the sound of it.

The doctor paused once again, unsure of whether to continue as he looked from myself to Jisung.

"It's alright just tell me" I said, inside panicking too as I didn't understand what was going on.

"Well, there's only one way to put it" He started to say as I felt my heart literally drop to my stomach.

"Alicia, you're pregnant"

I stared in complete shock at the doctors words, I didn't understand. How could that even be possible when we had used condoms everytime?



I know there was one time we didn't.

"Oh fuck" Jisung blurted out, also just as shocked as me as I quickly panicked.

"Are you 100% sure?" I asked, hoping there was a slight chance he read the notes wrong.

"I'm positive, you'll need a scan to properly confirm but HCG levels this high usually means a healthy ongoing pregnancy" the doctor answered as I felt like the world could swallow me whole.

This wasn't even remotely close to a good time or position to bring a baby into the world.

What would everyone say?

How would Chan react?

My insides felt like they were all in knots as I thought over every outcome, I couldn't believe I was in this position.

"Liss, hey, you okay?" Jisung asked, trying to snap me out of the mental breakdown I was having.

I looked back up, facing the two men in front of me as I took a deep breath, composing myself.

"I need time to process this. I'm begging you, both of you, not to say anything to anyone about it. I will tell Chan in my own time" I asked, looking to them as the doctor nodded and Jisung stayed quiet.

"Jisung?" I asked again.

"I promise Liss" He finally answered as I let out a sigh of relief.

What the hell was I going to do?

Taste (BangChan) 18+Where stories live. Discover now