Chapter Twenty-Three: Uraria

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Uraria, 5/20/15, 2:37 PM

    "Are we close?"  Aqualad asked as Miss Martian steered the Bio-Ship towards the northern sector of Uraria where Lex Corp built a new tower.  The ship neared the new compound owned by one of the League's greatest enemies.

    "About two hours out."  Miss Martian replied with a sigh, "Aqualad..."

    Aqualad looked away as he felt the wound on his back still.

    "Aqualad."  Miss Martian repeated, the entire team was in the cockpit listening to the two there were no secrets among them, "Are you sure we're cut out for this?  We were just nearly killed by Vandal Savage.  Now you think going to Lex Luthor's direct location is a good idea?"

    "She has a point Kaldur..."  Blue turned to face them, "We were already nearly killed by Amazo and the other androids that worked for Luthor.  What happens when we find Amazo again?"

    "Too add on to that, Luthor likely has Connor."  Miss Martian nodded, "He'll use him... against us."  She sobbed as she spoke.

    Aqualad crunched up his face in defiance as he looked down at the floor.  His teammates were right, they already lost Arsenal.  He was not looking to lose anymore friends.

    "We have to do something!"  Wally argued, "We need to find John and Connor!  When you all fought Amazo, you were short three members!  Now, you're only short one!"

    "That's not the point, Wally."  Cyborg shook his head, "We had Amazo outnumbered.  He beat us, and so did Savage.  Savage beat us as though we were barely a threat."

    "That's true, but Amazo is an android!  More predictable than Savage!"  Wally retorted, "We have to try to stop Luthor!"

    "That's why we're here."  Starfire added, "To stop him, but not at the unneeded cost of lives."

    "Robin, you are the real leader here."  Aqualad grunted, "I only took over while you were being captured.  What is your order?"

    Robin was looking out the Bio-Ship windows at the surrounding country.  He spoke softly as he did never turning.

    "Aqualad.  You are the real leader.  Not me.  It should be you to finish this mission, especially when I was gone for most of it."  Robin sighed, "You're our leader now."

    Aqualad widened his eyes, leader?  He never expected for the job to remain his after Robin arrived again.  He looked at Robin with a curiosity.

    "So, what's the plan then, leader?"  Cassie asked looking over at him, "Are we going in or not?"

    Aqualad sat back in his seat, his options were clear.  Search elsewhere for Connor or John or search the Lex Corp building.  They would need to be stealthy either way, but the Lex Corp building was the bigger risk as well as the best place to look.

    "Kaldur?"  Beastboy asked hesitantly after a few minutes.

    Aqualad looked up as his teammates stared at him in wait.

    "We go in."  He said with a serious, stern face, "We go in to Lex Corp and find Connor and Green Lantern.  We'll move in quietly with Robin's hacking covering us."

    "Don't you think that'll take a long time?"  Blue asked scratching the back of his head, "That tower is huge!"   

    "That's why Robin will guide us through it with his hacking.  If he can acquire a map of Lex Corp and possibly where they are keeping their captives, then we can get them out and get out the quickest way possible."

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