Chapter Twenty-Nine: Mount Justice II

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***Just as a message to all readers.  I'd like to thank you all for sticking with this book and for voting, commenting, and reading!  It means a lot!  This is the longest chapter yet!  Enjoy!***

Mount Justice II, 5/20/15, 8:02 PM

Bruce sighed as he walked into the main chamber.  Clark moved in behind him, with Hal's body in his arms.  Jefferson and Doctor Fate followed in behind them with Eclipso in tow.  Kilowog stood at the main console with Captain Atom and Diana.  Jefferson carried John Stewart, now in street clothes without his ring.

"Hal!"  Kilowog exclaimed as he saw Clark, "No...!"  His eyes widened and he grew angrier rushing towards Bruce, "What the hell happened!?"

"It was an ambush."  Bruce replied looking down at the floor, Diana walked towards him with soft eyes, "The Brain and Gorilla Grodd with a few others.  They ambushed us with Hal and Barry captive.  I believe they were after Eclipso too."

Clark allowed Kilowog to take Hal's body.  He collapsed to his knees with Hal in his arms.

"I'm going to kill whoever did this..."  Kilowog roared, "Who killed him?!"

"Chemo."  Bruce replied tightening his fist, "Under Grodd's order."

"Who is this Chemo?"  Kilowog asked looking up.

"He's a metahuman made completely of acid.  He can project it and control it."  Bruce explained, "He killed Hal with it.  They have his ring."

"So we're missing two Green Lantern rings?"  John asked crossing his arms, "This sounds like a part of Savage's or Luthor's scheme.  Do we have any contact from the Team?"

"I'm afraid not."  Captain Atom replied, "Though there is some other news that we have..."

"What happened at Belle Reve?"  Clark asked, but the group looked over as the zeta-tube activated.  In walked Dinah, Carter, and Red Tornado.

"Oh my god..."  Carter gasped as she saw Hal, "Hal..."

"He's gone."  John sighed and embraced Carter.

"Where's Ollie?"  Dinah asked looking around at the group, "And Barry?"

"That is another problem..."  Bruce felt his forehead, "Oliver took off with Barry.  Barry was in critical condition, and Oliver has-"

"You let him go?"  Dinah asked angrily, "Why would you-?"

"He quit the Justice League."  Clark butt in walking in between the warring sides.

Dinah stepped back with her eyes wide.

"Wha...What?"  She stuttered in shock.

"Oliver quit after Hal died."  Jefferson spoke now, "He said we could've helped Hal."

"And you didn't?"  Dinah exclaimed in anger, "I'm going after him."  She turned to head for the zeta-tube.

"STOP!"  Captain Atom yelled sternly, "Dinah, the Team need our help!"

"What?"  Bruce asked turning to the Captain, "What do you mean?"

"Several boom-tubes were activated at Belle Reve and many of the criminals went through them including Black Adam, Psimon, Bane, and many others."  Captain Atom explained as everyone turned to him, "There were others as well, young heroes possible candidates for the Team I'd say, but there were three of them.  They went in after Black Adam, we managed to somehow track the signal from one of their communicators through the boom-tube."

"It led to Uraria didn't it."  Bruce slammed his fist down on the console as he walked over to it, "We have to get over there.  It sounds like someone's big plan is coming into action."

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