Chapter Six: Metropolis

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Metropolis, 10:34 PM, 4/30/14

        "Come on Superman!"  Black Canary called to him, Clark saw that she was moving down the alleyway now.  Clark shook his head as he flew after her, the two had been paired up to search for the missing team members:  Robin, Kid Flash, Arsenal, and now very recently Superboy.  Clark could barely believe his own protogé had been captured.

        Clark was experiencing a jumble of emotions, fear, worry, care, and anger all at the same time.  He hoped Connor was alright, but he was angered that he was taken captive after all Clark had taught him.  Connor was an up and coming hero that would serve the league well.  He was not sure what he would do if Connor were killed or worse.  Clark remembered an argument between Dinah and himself from a few hours ago...

The Watchtower, 9:23 AM, 4/30/14

        "Clark we need to talk."  He heard Dinah walking into the Watchtower from the zeta-tube entrance, "Is Bruce here?"

        "He just left to search Gotham with Hawkgirl."  Clark said frowning as he looked up from the holographic console he stood at, "Is something wrong?"

        "In case you haven't heard, a fourth member of the Team has gone missing"  Dinah angrily walked up to Clark with eyes flaming with rage, "Superboy was your apprentice!  You aren't even concerned!"

        Clark tilted his head at Dinah growing angrier now.  "How could you say that to me?"  He clenched his hand in a fist looking down, "I am putting everything I can into searching for Connor and the others.  I'm... I'm burning inside not being out there.  If I could, I'd find Black Manta and rip him apart till he gave me that boy back!  What are you doing to help?"

        Dinah stepped back wide eyed, but still full of fury.  "What have I done?  I've kept the other Team members from running off looking for their friends after they were nearly killed by Black Manta and his goons!  I tried telling Bruce this, but we need to stop sending the Team into these missions!  They aren't ready for this!  Robin, Kid Flash, Arsenal, or even Superboy could be dead right now!  And still you allow those children to go to Uraria to spy on Lex Luthor?"

        "We're sending Red Tornado to oversee the mission."  Clark looked away knowing Dinah was right, the kids should not have to go into a mission like this, especially this dangerous, "They will be fine with him there.  Bruce insists that Robin and the others will be found before they even leave."

        "And do you believe that?"  Dinah waved her hand in the air looking at Clark as though he were insane, "Do you really think we'll be able to find Superboy where-ever Black Manta has him located?"

        "Look Dinah, I don't know if we'll find him, but I know we cannot let Lex Luthor continue his operations in Uraria!"  Clark shouted turning to Dinah moving forward, "Believe me, all I want to do is keep the Team out of all these horrible things!  But we don't have the luxury anymore do we?  We have no choice, the Team is continuing their mission and that is that!"

        "If that's how you feel then you minus well allow Manta to keep Connor now."  Dinah looked at Clark with disgust and turned walking towards the zeta-tube, but she turned to Clark before she went out, "You know, if it were you and not him, then he would never stop looking for you."


        Clark reached Dinah as she reached the edge of the alleyway.  She was crouched over something, but Clark looked through her seeing the object, it was Robin's batarang.  Clark landed next to Dinah as she stood up holding the batarang in her hand.  She examined it closely, but Clark watched as well searching for any signs of who had taken them.  But what he failed to figure out was why the batarang was in Metropolis.  Robin had been taken in Star City along with Arsenal and Kid Flash.  What was his weapon doing in Metropolis?

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