Chapter Thirteen: New York City

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New York City, 5/7/15, 1:59 PM

Shazam could barely believe his eyes. This alien creature, Despero, was a total brute. The monster had arrived out of the blue after the League was exhausted from their previous battle. Now they had to take on a huge purple gladiatorial champion alien whom was now smashing New York to pieces using the League. When the creature had first started fighting the League, Superman and the lanterns had taken charge in the initial fight. Superman tried to take Despero down quickly, but the alien easily smashed Superman down and when the Green Lanterns tried to hold it back, it simply beat each down till they were out cold.

Kilowog put up a fight, but even he was beaten eventually. The part that made Shazam the most frightened was that once Despero beat his opponents, he opened a third eye that seemed to put his opponent into a daze like trance that caused them to stop moving and simply stay still. Despero had done this to Superman, Kilowog, and Hal Jordan. Aquaman and Hawkgirl went next to fight Despero together, but they were fairing just as well as the Lanterns. The small robot that had accompanied Despero now spoke loudly.

"And bam! Despero takes down three heavy hitting Justice League members! Including Superman himself! Now he is pummeling Aquaman and Hawkgirl, of course we all know that they will be defeated!"

"Hey be quiet!" Shazam yelled at the android, "You don't know what we have up our sleeves!"

"Pardon me?" The robot flew over to him, "I fail to see any tricks here! You aren't even fighting!"

That was it, Shazam had it with this Despero. He flew towards the battle just in time to see Despero lifting up Hawkgirl by the throat. His third eye opened flashing into Hawkgirl's eyes. Despero threw Carter to the side and moved towards Aquaman slowly. Shazam arrived first though, he smashed into Despero's side knocking him into a building on his right. Despero turned to face Shazam and smashed his fists into Shazam's back. A harsh pain went through Shazam's body as Despero clasped his huge hands around him and flung him to the side like a rag-doll.

"Ooh! A hard hit to Shazam!"

"Shut up!" Shazam yelled in anger punching Despero in the chest, but the beast barely moved and punched back knocking Shazam through the building walls and out onto the streets.

He landed in the middle of the street below and Despero leaped down facing him. "No!" Aquaman yelled releasing tons of water from the sewers below and sending a huge wave against Despero. Shazam crawled back as the wave crashed into the alien. He widened his eyes as Despero continued walking towards Shazam despite the mass of water attempting to hold him back. Aquaman charged Despero, but the alien, without turning away from Shazam, grabbed Aquaman by the waist and tossed him away.

Shazam stood up shaking his hands wearily. "Come on you big ugly-!" Despero lunged forward, he sent an uppercut into Shazam's chin that hit him into the air. Shazam could barely move as Despero leaped up knocking Shazam backwards and into the water filled street. "Come here!" Shazam yelled wiping off his face from the water and blood that now covered it, "Is that all you got?" He had only one last chance to try to beat this alien.

Despero moved towards Shazam, but something hit him before he even made it a yard close. The same thing hit him again, but Shazam knew exactly who had arrived.

The Flash sped towards Despero again smashing him in the side. Barry kept it up as Shazam readied his power. He launched himself forward at Despero, but the Flash was coming at the same time. Despero caught Barry throwing him at Shazam at the same time. The two crashed into the street, Despero walked forward grabbing Barry and staring at him with his third eye. Barry went limp and Despero tossed him next to Shazam. Despero picked up Shazam as well, but Shazam readied himself, he had only one chance.

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