Chapter Twenty-One: Uraria

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Uraria, 5/18/15, 1:04 AM

"Everyone in their positions?" Aqualad asked over the mind-link that Miss Martian had established. He sat on a cliff overlooking a small compound hidden in the snowy forests of Uraria. The compound was filled with guard towers, turrets, and even a runway. Wondergirl and Starfire crouched next to him. They had been scouting the area for a few days and they had discovered that it was under the control of a mercenary group unknown to them, "Execute now."

Aqualad waited as Beastboy, Miss Martian, and Robin moved in on the compound. The three would make it past security easily with Robin's stealth and the others' abilities. Aqualad looked down as Blue Beetle and Kid Flash readied to move in as well. Cyborg would be moving in on the compound's other side as the stealth squad moved in.

Aqualad squinted as he watched a figure moving out of the storage building. He widened his eyes as he recognized Mammoth lumbering out along with several soldiers. Mammoth was in Savage's group, so that meant...

"Robin! Pull out now!" Aqualad ordered as he watched Warp walk out as well, who could know whom else would be here. If Savage himself was at the compound then the group was doomed.

"I said pull out!" Aqualad yelled over the mind-link.

"Why?!" Beastboy asked as he buzzed through the building that the stealth team had entered.

"This compound is under Vandal Savage's control. Retreat immediately!"

"Kaldur!" Cassie tapped Aqualad's shoulder pointing down at Mammoth, "Look!"

Aqualad looked over, he widened his eyes as he saw Count Vertigo and a group of guards throwing a body to the ground. He recognized the body as Cyborg, he had been captured.

"Move in, everyone! We get Cyborg and get out!" Aqualad yelled leaping off the cliff with his hydro-swords extended. Cassie caught him as he leaped and carried him through the air to the compound. She threw him in, he immediately slammed into Warp and lashed at Mammoth. Blue Beetle and Kid were already in action as well, they rushed through the guards taking them down as Aqualad handled Count Vertigo with his sword. The two clashed and Wondergirl smashed into Mammoth. Warp quickly teleported around the compound alerting soldiers.

"So, the children have followed us here?" Count Vertigo laughed and kicked Aqualad back, "Pathetic that you believe you can stop us!"

"Pathetic that you believe we can't!" Aqualad retorted kicking Count Vertigo back and slamming his fist into his side knocking him to the ground. Aqualad stood in triumph slowly moving towards the Count, but then he felt hands wrap around his neck.

"Sorry fish-boy!" The voice taunted as Aqualad felt strings wrapping around his body, "But I can't let you hurt anyone!"

Aqualad reached around his back throwing Black Spider off, but it did no good as the Count began using his Vertigo Effect causing the Team to fall to the ground from the dizziness.

"So, the young heroes believe they can make a difference. I wonder what the Justice League will do when their side-kick's heads are sent back to them in America." The Count laughed as he raised his sword to touch Aqualad's neck.

"Miss Martian! Robin! Beastboy! Anybody! We need Vertigo taken down and quick!" Aqualad yelped over the mind-link. Almost instantaneously, Count Vertigo was sent flying back and Beastboy and Robin appeared next attacking Black Spider and Warp. Wondergirl leaped back in hitting Mammoth into a building. Aqualad smiled as he made his way over to her slashing through guards. He saw Starfire and Cyborg fighting side-by-side against the guards as well as Blue Beetle and Kid Flash making their way through the small army.

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