Chapter Fourteen: Mount Justice II

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Mount Justice II, 5/8/15, 2:22 PM

Miss Martian sighed heavily as she slumped on the couch in the Cave. She was exhausted, in pain, and wounded. Black Canary moved around like a mad-woman, though Miss Martian knew it was because Black Canary felt so responsible for the Team. During the mission, most of the team had gotten wounded badly. Starfire was unconscious still, she lay on a cot in the main chamber along with several of the league members. Red Tornado was being repaired by the Atom while Captain Atom rested with Aqualad, Beastboy, Cyborg, Wondergirl, and Blue Beetle. The rest of the League had arrived shortly after the Team did. The entire League was still recovering from their own battle in New York City. The Green Lanterns stayed behind to help repair the destroyed city. Superman, Batman, and Wonderwoman had taken Plastic Man's body to the crypt below the Cave where all the League's and Team's dead rested and were honored. Artemis was down there as well.

Martian Manhunter walked over to Miss Martian while she was resting.

"How are you feeling Megan?" He asked sitting by her side, "How are your wounds?"

"They are healing." Miss Martian looked up at her mentor, "How is the Team?"

"Starfire is still badly hurt, but Black Canary is working hard with Aquaman to help heal her. Both of our team's have received hard beatings lately."

"John..." Megan looked down, "Do you believe we aren't ready for missions? Garfield had came to me after Batman took us off missions, he was so...upset. I didn't know what to say, but I always thought that Batman was wrong for doing it. What do you think?"

John took a while to answer. He was pondering Megan's question with careful consideration.

"I believe that the Team needed a little time to coordinate themselves. With three of your members missing, and one friend gone as well, you all needed to figure out your situation."

"But we got beaten with our members fully."

"You all have much to learn, but I believe you will have success. In fact, I heard about how Killer Frost was apprehended yesterday." John smiled, and Megan smiled back. She loved her mentor, he always made her feel welcome and special. Almost like Connor did...

"What happens now?" Megan asked looking up at the ceiling, "The Watchtower is gone. New York City was crushed in the battle, and our enemies probably enacted some sort of 'mighty plan' while we were all distracted. We even lost a League member..."

"I don't know." John looked at his apprentice, she was like a daughter to him, he never wanted her to be hurt, "We will help rebuild New York, and I am guessing our operations will be moved back here. Things will go back to normal, but now we'll have to look into our enemies' plans closely."

"I hope we find Superboy, and Robin and Kid Flash and Arsenal even!" Megan sighed, "What about John Stewart?"

"We'll keep looking for him as well." John sighed back, "Things are out of order right now dear Megan."

"When will things just be normal again?" Megan slumped back in the couch, she felt as though all hope was lost.

"I don't believe things will ever truly be normal, but we will find your friends." John sighed pulling Megan to him and embracing her, "We will find Connor."

"I hope so." Megan said softly as John pulled away, "I don't know what I'd do if I never saw him again."


"I can't believe that one alien managed to nearly put the whole League down!" Beastboy exclaimed as Black Canary wrapped bandages on his wounds, he was speaking to Shazam as he stood in front of him, "What was Despero like?"

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