Chapter Three: Mount Justice II

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Mount Justice, 11:59 AM, 4/19/14

        The team arrived back at the new cave a minute before midnight with Arsenal in tow.  The new cave had been crafted shortly after the original had been destroyed.  This one was now located in Farfield Harbor, Virginia and had been created to closely resemble the old cave.  Aqualad was in critical condition from Vandal Savage's attack.  Miss Martian had given Robin the entire run-down on the mission from her perspective as they returned.  Miss Martian and Aqualad had managed to catch up to the truck and almost seize it, but Vandal Savage had kept up with them.  He had ambushed Aqualad when Miss Martian went for the truck.  Aqualad attempted to fight off Savage, but he was beaten down.  Miss Martian had to make the decision of leaving the truck to tend to Aqualad and Savage managed to take the truck in the process.  That was when Robin, Blue Beetle, Superboy, Beastboy, Cyborg, Starfire, and Arsenal arrived and found them. Luckily, Starfire had regained consciousness once Count Vertigo had left.  

        Robin entered the new cave along with the rest of the team through the zeta-tube portal technology.  Wondergirl greeted them in excitement and fear. 

        "What happened?"  She exclaimed rushing over to them along with Wally or Kid Flash.

        "We need to get a doctor!  Where's Black Canary?"  Robin asked hurrying to get Aqualad to a safe spot.

        "She left for some meeting!  She said she'd be back soon though!"  Cassie or Wondergirl, replied helping Robin with Aqualad and the rest of the wounded, "What happened to you guys out there?  We lost the transmission halfway in!"

        "Count Vertigo, Vandal Savage, Mammoth, Warp, and Black Spider all attacked us before we could go after the truck."  Beastboy explained as everybody went to get themselves fixed up, "Savage did some serious damage to Aqualad!"

        "What?"  Wally yelled out in anger, "Vandal Savage was there?"        

        "Yes he was."  Superboy said angrily, "He nearly killed Aqualad.  I could've stopped him if not for those punks!  Mammoth kept pestering me!"

        "Connor calm down."  Meghan or Miss Martian said softly, "We'll get him next time."

        Suddenly, the zeta-tube activated and in walked none other than Black Canary.  She walked in calm at first, but suddenly broke out into a fit once she saw the team back.

        "What happened?"  She yelled at them angrily, though Robin knew she really did care for them all.

        Robin explained the entirety of the mission to her again without missing a single detail.  He made sure not to leave anything out including the way Vandal Savage and his goons had defeated the team so quickly.

        "You knew Vandal was there, but yet you refused to pull-out?"  She admonished them for their actions, "You know he is a one of the league's greatest and oldest of enemies!"

        "We know."  Blue Beetle replied now looking down, "We thought that we could beat him to the bus, but when Count Vertigo, Mammoth, Warp, and Black Spider attacked things got...complicated."

        "We were outmatched."  Superboy added shamefully, "We were played.  Count Virtigo was obviously covering Vandal while he went for the truck.  They held us off while Vandal took to the truck and eliminated any other threats including Aqualad."

        "And now one of your team members is in critical condition."  Black Canary sighed walking over to where Meghan and Starfire treated Aqualad, "Next time, call in the League.  We handle those tougher targets.  Vandal Savage especially."

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