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It has been a few months since Brock and I stepped down. Thor and Laila (Julia) are due any day now with their pup. A little boy. My oldest daughter Paisley is the Beta Female with Alex and they just found out that they are having a twin, a boy, and a girl. Oakley is the Delta Female with Nick, and they are in no rush to have babies yet. But she is on the verge of finishing medical training. She is going to be the new pack doctor in the spring next year. She is happy about that. Thankfully, Nick supports her dreams about being a doctor. He likes the idea that if he gets hurt, it will be his mate that will work on him and no one else. Brock and I are happy and excited about being coming grandparents. This is an additional step in our lives and are happy to be part of it. Of course, we are still here to help Laila and Thor our as much as possible whenever they may need it.

Last week, we helped with a surprise baby shower for them. They were beyond excited. The girls and I were so thrilled to have been able to pull this off for her. Today Brock and Thor are attempting to put the finishing touches to the nursery together. The crib, that is the only thing left to do. Thor was having some issues, so he mind-linked his dad for help. So, that means I am going to spend some time with all my girls today. I mind-linked my daughters:

SYLVIE: hey Paisley and Oakley meet me at Laila's and Thor's house. We are going to have a little girls' day before the baby comes. Your dad and Thor are building the crib and finishing the nursery. So, they will be busy for a while.

PAISLEY: Sounds good to me. I am on my way in about 15-minutes.

OAKLEY: I'm down for that, let me tell Nick and then I am on my way!

SYLVIE: Sounds talented girls, I love you girls!

PAISLEY & OAKLEY: Love you to mom!

About 20-30 minutes later, all three of them showed up at Laila and Thor's house. They knocked on the door and Thor answered the door. He looked at his mother and sisters and was a little confused, but knew better than to question any of them.

"Mom, Paisley, Oakley! What a surprise! What are you all doing here?" He asked. "If you're looking for dad, he is upstairs in the nursery."

"Actually, no, we came to see Laila." Sylvia said. The girls nodded and said, "Girl's day, while you and dad are busy."

"Oh ok, she is in the living room. Supposed to be keeping her feet up. She is on bedrest till the pup comes now. Which is any day now." Thor said. "I mean, her due date was the 10th, and it's the 14th. So hopefully he comes soon. She won't admit it, but I know she is miserable."

"I can only imagine I have a few months left and I already am." Paisley said, "Then again, I am having twins." They all laughed.

"Babe, is that your mom at the door?" Laila asked from the living room. With her being so far in her pregnancy, her senses are so messed up. She could smell Sylvie and Thor, but not the girls. This baby was driving her crazy. She was having some pains today, but just figured it was Braxton Hicks again. Mom and the girls came into the living room.

"Hey sis!" Both the girls said. Laila looked at them and she smiled.

"Hey, how are you girls doing? How are the babies doing in there?" She asked.

"I am good, Oakley said.

"I am doing great, and the babies are doing well at my last check-up. Everything looked great." Paisley mentions.

"That's great to hear, this pup I stubborn like his daddy, and doesn't want to come out." Laila said. Everyone chuckled.

"The twins were like that when I was pregnant with them. He will be here before you know it." I told her. I can tell that she is not feeling well today.

Second Chance Mates: Brock & Sylvie's StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ