"What's your uh...I don't know, problem?"

"AGH MY PROBLEM?" He cried out and bit down on his lip with fury. Then it hits me, Craig you've fucked it up. You've messed up the question, and now look at what you did. You've caused the poor guy to panic.

"Sorry, I mean, where do you come from, y'know?"

I don't know?? What do you even begin to ask a demon, or even better, how do you even begin to process all the shit that went down today. I mean, who messes up this bad!?

And there's no way I just pulled him out of my ass, at least all demons have a origin or something don't they?
Or uh, a backstory of sorts, maybe it'll be so sad I'll feel twice as bad for the guy.

For the next minute or so, I keep my eyes on him. Watching the way he looks down at his fingers, the way he hesitates for a minute before opening his mouth. But something that I thought would come out snappy and rude, comes out rather, gentle, cold, that a soft chill runs up my spine. "Uh, I uh" he picks at his bottom lip and then lets go, "I don't...remember...I"

Shit, his words strike me in the heart, and I almost feel bad for him. Pity for him...

But again, who feels pity for a demon.
Nonetheless, I don't get what he means with this...I don't get why he doesn't remember. Surely he's playing dumb with me right? All demons do that, don't they? But I swear to god Tweek, if this is an act-I'll make you regret this shit!

"You don't know or...you don't remember?"
I mean, there's really no way that you actually don't know. You gotta know something.

"I uh, I don't...remember" he replied, the subtle pitch in his voice dropping. Making his words sound rather dull, and it's giving me a hard time. I can't tell if he's serious.

Where did his memories go then?? did they just poof? just like that? no no even better, where did he come from?? hells the general answer, but something tells me that he doesn't just come from hell despite his demonic features.

"So...what do you remember then?" I say, sounding a little bit eager. But it's the truth, of course I'm eager! I want answers and he's not spitting any of them!

"you want answers? Well then, I don't mind telling you if..." he sighed, taking in a sharp breath, "YOU FUCKING RELEASE ME!"

And there he goes again...
Helloo yohoo Tweeky, give me a break love, it's getting tiring.

I watch him burst out in a bunch of wiggles and shuffles until his back brutally falls down against the ground.

God, I laugh a little, but a sudden chuckle doesn't make my situation any better. Not my problem that he's cooking up his own problems.

"Please," his voice softly turns to mine. Breathing in slowly as he acknowledges the new found pain in his back.

How amusing huh?
I smile and sigh, he's looking at me as if the reason he fell on his back was my fault. When he quite literally just fell down on the floor on his own behalf.

"Why are you smiling at me!?"

"I don't know, don't you think that a smile is pretty fair after you threw a whole fucking shelf over me!?"

"UG! You deserve it!!" He wailed, frantically twisting and loosening the ropes around his legs. Waiting for a miracle to miraculously release him.

Served it? Geez, talk about harsh things.
Hit me right on the heart.
What a joke!

"Gee I don't know Tweek" I playfully kneeled down in front of him and brought a finger up to his forehead, carefully kneading my hands through his hair and with my thumb very gently pushing a strand of loose hair away from his eyes. "I actually kinda don't mind this, when you know-when you're not causing a panic or a shrill over something like whatever demons do. Or you know, choking me alive."

Exorcise him! // Craig x Tweek // (Creek)Where stories live. Discover now