The Code Red | 3

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Sandhanam groaned softly while he laid awake on his hospital bed. His body ached and his limbs throbbed in pain as he was slowly recovering from the nasty bomb blast caused by Vikram.

His blood raced through his veins as he recollected it, every fibre in him was craving for vengeance but he was currently too ill to do anything.

His men were scattered around his bed whispering amongst themselves and their small talk grew to be a nuisance for Sandhanam who couldn't keep up with his own thoughts.

"Dei, moodu-ing da!" he hollers which strained his muscles causing him to groan loudly due to the pain that was stabbing him.

(Shut your mouths)

His men all jerked back and mumbled a 'Sorry', afraid that Sandhanam might react badly.

Sandhanam mentally cursed himself for straining himself but he just got so mad.

"Careful Sandhanam, you made a lucky escape, make sure you don't strain yourself," the doctor warns as he enters the room. The doctor puts on some gloves before he inspects Sandhanam.

"You're doing good Mr Sandhanam, just make sure you take bed rest for a couple of months... That was a nasty blast you experienced," the doctor says as he checks Sandhanam's eye which causes him to wince slightly.

His body was etched in all kinds of bruises, cuts and burns and seeing this enraged him.. It enraged him knowing that this was caused by Vikram.

He always thought about that day and couldn't wait until he could get out of his bed and get his vengeance... He wanted to give Vikram the worst death possible... he had already killed his son, killing the old man shouldn't be a bother but he had failed... And that led him here.

It was humiliating for him to think about the fact that he got beaten by such an old man.

"OK Sandhanam, everything looks good. I'll be leaving now. Take care of yourself and if you need anything, just press the button beside you."

Sandhanam just nods as the doctor leaves, leaving Sandhanam with his thoughts which circled back to the night where he almost lost his life.


Sandhanam's body throbbed in pain and he could feel his body swelling and imprinted with the bruises left by Vikram.. His own blood oozed down his forehead, blinding him ever so slightly.

Vikram stood in front of him in all his glory, towering over him as Sandhanam struggled to stand and was buckling to the floor.

Vikram was a short man, with fraying hair, a thick salt N pepper beard and eyes of an eagle.

He wasn't your average old man... He was much more than that.. Much more stronger and Sandhanam had underestimated him severely.

He choked from the collar that suffocated him and he collapsed to the floor as Vikram towered over him, tightening the chain in his hand.

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