Journal Entry 22#

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Entry 22: 'My Inner Demon'

Journal I apologize, for leaving abruptly... I just needed time to rest, but I can't sleep at all. I haven't slept for 2 days and I haven't been out of my room for almost a week. I-I wasn't feeling well.

Mommy and Daddy had to put me on bed rest, I-I caught a fever. I blame myself for this. My mental state wasn't allowing me to take care of my hygiene at all. The thoughts about Kai were sturring in my head, but there was something bigger... darker... and it was dormant, growing, while I was dealing with Kai...

I can feel its presence affecting my body. I can feel my arm trembling and my temperature was skyrocketing, my parents and my sister Bell were worried about my condition. They considered sending me to a hospital, but I proved to them that I wasn't backing down with my physical self, and yet...

Every night I dreamed about it! That Demon... Lurking in my dreams... I was restless on my bed. I twisted and turned as I hugged my plushies for comfort. It was there, stalking me. I wondered to myself how this Demon got into my thoughts until I realized that this thing- this feeling all started with Jayden and his ego tearing us apart! And the day he had to leave for... Grizz Co...

The source of my current weakness!... Was both that Demon and Kai's shadow... 

I tried everything to keep my mental state in check, reading a good book Harmony suggested to me, every time she was at home. My Daddy Aloha tried to cheer me up by telling his amazing story about his old career during his youth, and my Mommy tried letting me drink Harmony's Tea, but sadly... nothing worked!  I tried to pick up my tea but my arms... They were shaking, I can't control them. My mom had to serve it to me!

I tried getting some rest, but I felt my heart beating so fast. It was a bit too fast for my liking. How I felt my body was... it was both hot and cold at the same time.

'I hate being weak... Selena... I am always weak...' That's what I always said to myself, but... She was there...

Kassy came by to check and to look after me and Bell. Turns out Bell told our parents about Kassy and they asked her to come by. I was actually thrilled to see her, and I was kinda embarrassed though. I asked her about her Kindergarten job and she told me she has handle the situation with her colleagues. 

Kassy, during those days, had grown a liking to my family, well what was left of it... She helped my mom with her clothing boxes and even reminded my dad about his scheduled photo shoot. Once during dinner, she told her stories when she was at Splatsville and my Mom and Dad grew a liking to her as well. 

My Mom and Dad at first were cautious with her, because of the fact that they never saw Kassy before and they were skeptical about her clothing choices. Yes, she looks like a punk, but she's harmless!... Wouldn't hurt a soul!

Well...Most of the time...

And? If you are wondering about the team? We are taking a break as of now. Dan is battling with randoms in Casual. He still ranting about the revolution that has been halted until I return, temporarily. At least, Dan sent me a very cool art of us being rebels leading a rebellion. I honestly can't tell if Dan is just exaggerating about this revolution or if is he serious about it.

And Levi went back to his home, Spaltsville, he told us that he has family matters to attend to. Something about Sand Sharks messing with their livestock? I never saw nor heard about Sand Sharks before, and honestly, I want to see what Splatsville even looks like.

Maybe one day? I and the boys can scrunch up some cash to move out from our parents.

Anyways about my time with Kassy. Kassy was so gentle and patient with me, even though she looked like a punk and acted like one during our battles, and yet she reminded me of... My godmother, Tita Angel. When she took care of me whenever I was sick. 

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