Journal Entry 9#

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Entry 9

Yesterday was interesting. I got to meet Kassandra again at Bell's school, after 3 long years. After she gave me advice about my problems, she asked where I and Bell going next. I told her that I was going to Heavenly Wings cafe to do some important business before going back to my home.

Hearing what I said must get her excited and asked me if she could tag along. 

"It has been so long since last I saw Tito Jaycee and Tita Angel!" Her words echoed in my thoughts. 

Bell was delighted that Kassy was tagging along and so I accepted her into the group. Kassy checked out and went on our way. I watched Kassy and Bell playing while we headed for the nearest station. Kassy even gave Bell a piggyback ride, which made me kinda jealous. A bit, but still kinda cute to watch them.

We eventually boarded a train, which we barely missed it. Another close call. 

Arriving at the Inkoplis Center, then to Cephallo Street. Then reaching our destination... Kassy's reaction when she and Tita saw each other again. They screamed so obnoxiously loud and I thought Bell and her wild screams were loud?...

After a brief chat, Tita noticed me and Bell. Her face frowned when she saw me.... again... I told Kassy to take Bell a seat as I will order their food for them. Bell told me that she would like to have a Shwaffle, while Kassy happily followed my orders. She grabs Bell's arm and told me that she wanted some Rice rolls and Harmony's tea, and took Bell with her. I turn to face Tita and...

"Paris? Please! I insist don't do this, for me! Or at least can you reduce your price?!"

She asked me but I declined her offer and told her again I was dead serious. And she gave me the recipe for the damages...


No, wait!

100 Thousand Dollars. OOF... The number still leaves a hole in my bank account. Man, I shouldn't have gone on a shopping spree last week...

This covers. TV Repairs, ingredients, damaged kitchen Equipment. A blender?... I didn't know this happened as well! Expensive plates and other silverware... And... my Tito's favorite Mug! 

OH BOY... He his not gonna be happy when he finds out about this...

I silently look back at Bell, who was staring at the cafe's menu. She is looking forward to chowing down on Shwaffles. I think I can't afford to buy her what she wants after this transaction... I pulled out my Inkopolis bank card. My arm was shaking at the feeling of this expensive exchange. 

"Sorry Bell, I think I'm not gonna get the Shwaffle you want today..." I Mumbled to which my Tita somehow overheard me... 

My Tita reluctantly took the card and swiped it into her machine. I accepted the paper... Wait- Papers! I got two from her.  One was my Damages receipt and it was 50 percent off to all damages. But- BUT- BUT!! PLUS, the other receipt has orders the girls wanted... ALL PAID!!

I looked at my Tita and... "I don't know what you're going through. But, I understand how are you feeling. I'm only doing this because you are heavily strained. You are somehow lost yourself. I'm taking off at least some of the burden you carry."

This made me cry though... and Tita further comforted me and told me to take a seat and wait for my order.

After that, we had an amazing time! Catching up with Kassy's life in Splatsville and Tita gossiping with us about the neighborhood activities. While was just tuning in the two Old Geezers, who were cowering behind their seats. By means of tuning in? I mean she was the one who is in control.

Huh, guess they are still traumatized by Bell's wild actions since yesterday.

And so another day ends and I'm back in my room. Writing on this Journal...

Inner peace... Inner peace... Inner peace...

This is what I have been thinking all night. I even look back at my necklace.

You know,  this necklace was made by a special person? She made 4 to be exact! Each corresponds to an element or personality... I think that's what He taught me though?... Damn it Paris! Why weren't you listening properly to your Godfather?

Ok, here it goes. To my knowledge then... 

Water or Change- The never-ending cycle of change. Water is about Speed and the ability to change. Anyone who has this trait is cunning, agile, and quickly adjusts to the situation, thus they are fast learners. Which I'm currently lacking, to what Kassy urged me to learn. 

Yet, I noticed that if they are exposed to any venom... Their pure hearts will be tainted... Thus, becoming harmful to anyone around them. Both physically and mentally... Just like Kai...



Speaking of Kai? I think I still have it here with me... The Water necklace, I was supposed to give to... Kai. When the time was right, yet... I think in these current times? It is pretty too much too late... 


Earth or Strength - The symbol of Honor and Strength. Earth is all about endurance, facing any danger that stands in their way. Any persons with these traits are brave and strong just like Jayden! Yet they are blinded by pride. If they are blinded they become arrogant and brash... Just like Jayden... What happened to him... What happened to his caring humble loving nature? This is not the Jayden I knew from my previous life?...


Fire or Passion - The most Energetic Element of them all. Fire represents energy, joy, and vigor! They deal quite a punch if they are in a fight, but their weakness is that they can't handle their own heat. Thus the saying ' Fight fire with fire '. Another weakness is that they need a source of fuel to keep going, if they don't have a source they would just Die out... Devoid of their own powerful presence.

Just like Eleo... He used to be so open. So full of Energy... Ever since the day he lost her... His sister...




Lastly my own Element.

Air or Peace - It's the symbol of Peace and Intelligence. I'm not Intelligent, to be honest, but I'm mostly a pacifist. Mostly... If it comes to turf war? Expect me to be merciless. I'm a devil after all. A 'SPLAT DEVIL', with an angel's heart though. 

Anyways, People who have the Air element are sympathetic and easygoing, yet this nature falls to Laziness and ignorance... or in my case...

OBLIVIOUSNESS... I was oblivious to my surroundings... Thus... I'm here now...

Selena... Why?...

Another life... Another time... But, this current life?... You are not here with me... Why did you even save me? A pathetic Inkling me like? That dreaded day! Always haunted me...   


Find my Inner peace, Kassy said?... 


But first, Journal? I have to give myself a break. I'm tired after stressing out all day. At least I got some time to give some thoughts into this. 

Splatoon: The Journal of Rosasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن