Journal Entry 13#

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Entry 13... 

I asked Tito about when the next tournament will happen. He told me that the next rounds of events will happen next week and he was skeptical of me. The boys and the Splat Devils are disbanded and how I was going to fill those roles. 

I actually have someone in mind but I still need two more slots to fill though...

And you are wondering why rebuilding the team all of a sudden? Well, I'm planning on something and it involves Kai...

Kai Uneri:

Kai: the New titled Champion for this season. The Leader from the team Wave Crushers. Artist of the Splat Devils. I did remember he was planning to make a painting of us, but sadly I think that's never going to happen after what I did... 

Element: Water... In another life, he was the scout of the team, who played a vital role in our... survival... without him... 

My life wouldn't be as colorful as it was... I missed my times talking with him and appreciating his art...

"Live Another Day, Paris..." I somehow vaguely remembered him saying that to me... In another life... Another time...


His sacrifice...



I can't let this happen again!



Weapon choice: Unique brush, just like me and Jayden, but he doesn't exactly know how to use the 'Karken swipe', yet he knows how to counter it. He is super agile, courtesy of Captain 3's training with him. 

I noticed him shopping at Sheldons recently and that he might be planning to buy this new weapon class. I have been hearing news about Sheldon's latest weapon, 'The Splatana'. Wonder how this new weapon would change the tide of battle in both turf war and tournament matches?... 

I'm kind of scared though. Mix with factors of his speed and his ability to analyze your moves and your weakness. Yeah, it is almost impossible to defeat him. I should have paid taken Uncle Zack's training. 

Yet, I have to face him! I need to train both my mind and body...

Latest Activity:

I have been observing and spying on him lately. He really loves stopping by at kindergarten. I wonder who is looking for though?...

Surely he doesn't know that Kassy is there, Does he?... Or is he looking for someone else?... This raises my curiosity, but I couldn't get those answers. 

He is also been dropping by the Heavenly Wings Cafe, ever since Jayden left. I saw Tita serving him his favorite dishes. A nice cold Mango Smoothie with a side of Banana cakes. 

I never saw his face nor his smile ever since he wore that mask. I managed to see his smile again. He looked so happy, yet I sense it was hollow... Empty... Fake... 

"Kai... Your once pure heart is tainted with hate... and pride... all because of me and... Jayden..."

I brought out my secret small toy chest and grab the last necklace... The Necklace of Water... The symbol of Balance... The symbol of Change... 


The necklace was shining and I can see my reflection. I imagined Kai's reflection looking back at me. I know there is a shred of hope for our friendship to be saved. I must save that hope...

I am sailing over a restless sea caused by an unrelenting typhoon! I must reach its center, where the last of hope remains. He is there I know it! 

I must face him! It's the only way to fix this mess! I have let this problem slip under me! 


Your storm shall be quelled...

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